1. People say I _________ my grandfather as we are both stocky with thick, curly hair.
a) look after
b) go after
c) take after
d) ask after
2. All my family are scientists, but I have always wanted to be an artist so I suppose that makes me _________ of the family.
a) the golden goose
b) the rubber duck
c) the black sheep
d) the guinea pig
3. I come from a single-parent family so my mum was the sole _________ when I was growing up. We relied on her income for everything.
a) authority figure
b) breadwinner
c) disciplinarian
d) father figure
4. Even though he annoys me at times. Family will always come before other considerations. After all _________.
a) blood is thicker than water
b) business before pleasure
c) two wrongs don’t make a right
d) every cloud has a silver lining
5. I am really interested in my family ancestry and like to go find out what I can about them on _________ websites.
a) genetics
b) genealogy
c) genial
d) genius
6. Sporting ability seems to _________. I am captain of the school football team like my uncle and father before me.
a) walk in the family
b) run in the family
c) flow through the family
d) pass over the family
1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) b.