

2018-05-23 15:20




Who needs sugar? 我們才不稀罕甜食呢!

不管你是不是甜品愛好者,都無法避免攝入日常飲食中所含的糖分。這是因?yàn)楹芏嗍澄锖惋嬃鲜呛堑?。盡管人們都知道過度攝入糖類有害健康,但這并沒有阻止一些人大量且無節(jié)制地吃甜食,從而患上肥胖、糖尿病和齲齒等疾病。本集《隨身英語》討論對(duì)食品征收 “糖稅 sugar tax” 能否扼制人們購(gòu)買甜食或甜飲料的欲望。


Vocabulary: health 詞匯: 健康

There's no doubt that I have a sweet tooth – I crave cakes and biscuits and could happily finish off a bar of chocolate in minutes. I'm sure I'm not alone, the sweet sugary taste is addictive but the big question is, is it bad for me? I think I know the answer!

Sugar is everywhere. Even if sweet stuff isn't your thing it's hard to avoid. In the UK, we consume over two million tonnes of sugar every year but often we don’t know we’re eating it. There have been many health campaigns, telling us about the dangers of consuming too much sugar and we have probably learnt that it should be eaten in moderation but we may be unaware of the added sugar we consume that's found in the food and drink we think of as healthy or savoury, such as low-fat yoghurt and sauces.

The obvious negative effect of eating sugar is on our dental healthtooth decay is a big problem in children, partly caused by drinking too many sugary drinks. Public Health England claims a child in England has a tooth removed in hospital every 10 minutes due to preventable decay. But even if you can escape the dentist's drill, there are more worrying negative effects - repeatedly eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain and even obesity, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.

So what can we do to cut down on our sugar intake? Well, there are low-sugar recipes you can try and apparently there are alternative foods to help us beat the sweet cravings. But potentially the most effective method is to tax the sugar we consume. It's what several countries have been doing for a while and the UK has recently jumped on the bandwagon, by forcing manufacturers to pay a levy on the high-sugar drinks they sell. It's up to the manufacturers if they pass the cost on to consumers.

But will it work? University of Bedfordshire nutrition expert Dr Daniel Bailey told BBC Online that: "The increase in tax placed on soft drinks will make products more expensive, but will this actually discourage people from buying them?" Maybe if you're addicted to the stuff, you'd accept paying more to buy it. But in the UK at least, several soft drinks companies have already reduced the sugar content of their products to avoid the tax.

Obviously it's better to do something rather than nothing to help improve the well-being of everyone. But with so many temptations out there, I'm not sure how easy it will be to cure my sweet tooth.


sweet tooth 對(duì)甜食的渴望、喜愛
crave 渴求
health campaign 健康宣傳活動(dòng)
in moderation 適度
savoury 咸的
dental health 牙齒健康
tooth decay 蛀牙,齲齒
preventable 可預(yù)防的
obesity 肥胖
diabetes 糖尿病
heart disease 心臟疾病
liver disease 肝病
low-sugar recipe 低糖食譜
jumped on the bandwagon 緊跟潮流
levy 稅款
discourage 打消…的念頭
soft drink 汽水,軟飲料
well-being 安康
temptation 誘惑


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. True or false? Savoury food is sugar-free.

2. What is removed from children every 10 minutes in England?

3. Why have some drinks manufacturers reduced the sugar content in their drinks?

4. Why are high-sugar drinks in the UK becoming more expensive?

5. What temptations is the author referring to in the last sentence?

2. 請(qǐng)?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個(gè)意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. When I was pregnant I used to ______ oranges but now my baby is born, I can't eat them!

levy       crave       discourage       temptations

2. Some doctors say that drinking red wine ______ could actually be good for your health.

on moderation       in moderning       in moderation       at moderation

3. A large ______ on alcohol seems to be encouraging people to drink less.

levy       discourage       preventable       health campaign

4. Once our class started recycling our water bottles, the rest of the school ______ and did the same!

went on the wagon       jumped over the bandwagon       joined the bandwagon       jumped on the bandwagon

5. Despite being an award-winning actor, he resisted the ______ to move to Hollywood.

crave       temptation        preventable       well being


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. True or false? Savoury food is sugar-free.
False. We may be unaware of the added sugar we consume that's found in the food and drink we think of as healthy or savoury, such as low-fat yoghurt and sauces.

2. What is removed from children every 10 minutes in England?
Public Health England claims a child in England has a tooth removed in hospital every 10 minutes due to preventable decay.

3. Why have some drinks manufacturers reduced the sugar content in their drinks?
Several soft drinks companies have reduced the sugar content of their products to avoid paying the sugar tax.

4. Why are high-sugar drinks in the UK becoming more expensive?
Because of a sugar tax that soft drinks manufacturers in the UK have to pay and they may pass on the cost to the consumer.

5. What temptations is the author referring to in the last sentence?
Sugary food and drinks such as cakes, biscuits and chocolate.

2.  請(qǐng)?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個(gè)意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. When I was pregnant I used to crave oranges but now my baby is born, I can't eat them!

2. Some doctors say that drinking red wine in moderation could actually be good for your health.

3. A large levy on alcohol seems to be encouraging people to drink less.

4. Once our class started recycling our water bottles, the rest of the school jumped on the bandwagon and did the same!

5. Despite being an award-winning actor, he resisted the temptation to move to Hollywood.


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  • 詞匯
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