
聞聞咖啡 清醒清醒

2018-12-28 17:30




Wake up and smell the coffee! 聞聞咖啡 清醒清醒

咖啡有提神醒腦的功效,但它的奧秘可不止于此。專家表示,咖啡豆發(fā)出的醉人香氣也同樣重要。本集《隨身英語》探討為什么這種飲料聞起來總是比嘗起來的味道要好那么一點(diǎn)。聽音頻,學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān) “喝飲品” 的新詞匯和表達(dá)。

Vocabulary: drinking 詞匯: 喝飲品

There are only a few truly pleasant smells to wake up to in the morning. It might be the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of your partner's freshly brushed teeth – but for me, it's the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Just a sniff of it makes me jump out of bed and rush to the kitchen for a gulp of the hot black liquid. But then things quickly go downhill.

If you're a coffee connoisseur, you'll understand that opening a new packet of coffee releases an amazing smell – fresh, roasted coffee beans. Delicious! And if you've got a nose for the stuff, you'll be able to identify the beans' origin – Colombia, Vietnam or maybe Brazil – the world's biggest coffee producer. Tim Hayward is a food writer and coffee shop owner; he told the BBC that the smell "is absolutely vital, it's the key thing. And when you walk into the coffee shop in the morning and that smell hits you, you're getting physiological responses."

I know from experience when I walk into a cafe for my double espresso or flat white, my mouth begins to water in anticipation. Although it's really the caffeine hit I'm after, it's the smell that makes me feel good.

However, this feeling sometimes turns to disappointment when I actually start drinking my hot beverage – the taste just doesn't match the smell. This is particularly the case when I order a coffee to go in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid through a hole in the lid. Yes, it's convenient, but is it really the right way to appreciate it?

Tim Hayward describes this process as 'weird' and 'baffling'. He says, "You walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell, but when you actually take the drink out, you are drinking it from something that is designed to deliver the hot liquid directly past your tongue, but stop any smell coming up to your nose."

As well as eliminating the smell, takeaway coffee cups create a lot of waste and a vast majority of them still don't get recycled. In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billion coffee cups were thrown away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely to be higher now. So maybe now is the time to really wake up and smell the coffee by drinking from a cup or mug in a cafe, chatting with friends and saving the planet!


aroma (食物的)香氣
brew 煮、沖(咖啡)
connoisseur 行家
roasted 烤的
have a nose for 善于發(fā)現(xiàn)…,有發(fā)現(xiàn)…能力
origin 原產(chǎn)地
physiological response 生理反應(yīng)
double espresso 雙份濃縮咖啡
flat white (有奶泡的)白咖啡
make someone's mouth water 使…饞涎欲滴
caffeine hit 咖啡因的提神功效
beverage 飲料
to go 外帶
sip 喝一小口、呷
deliver 送到
wake up and smell the coffee (告訴人)認(rèn)清形勢
mug (裝熱飲用的)杯子


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. Which country is the world's biggest coffee producer?

2. Name a style of coffee drink mentioned in the article.

3. Why might having a lid on a coffee cup spoil the taste?

4. True or false? Drinking coffee in a cafe means the cups don't get recycled.

5. Which word used in the article means 'easier to use/not causing difficulties'?

2. 請?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. My Dad is a ______ of fine wine and now he's bought a share in a vineyard!

got a nose       connoisseur       aroma            sip

2. When making a pot of tea, you need to leave the tea leaves in the hot water for a few minutes to allow it to properly ______.

brew                brewed             brewing         brewable

3. We're in a bit of a rush so please could we have these pizzas ______?

go to                to gone            to going         to go

4. John! Don’t gulp your soup like that. You’ll be sick! _________ it slowly!

Sip                   Deliver             Roast            Origin

5. How long until dinner? The smell of roast chicken is making ______.

my mouth watery       my mouth water       my mouth watered       me water my mouth    


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. Which country is the world's biggest coffee producer?
Brazil is the world's biggest coffee producer.

2. Name a style of coffee drink mentioned in the article.
Double espresso or flat white.

3. Why might having a lid on a coffee cup spoil the taste?
According to a coffee shop owner, having a lid on a coffee cup delivers the hot liquid directly past your tongue but stops any smell coming up to your nose, and that can affect the taste.

4. True or false? Drinking coffee in a cafe means the cups don't get recycled.
False. It is takeaway coffee cups that often don't get recycled. A cup or mug used in a cafe can be used again and again.

5. Which word used in the article means 'easier to use/not causing difficulties'?
The word is 'convenient'. (A takeaway coffee is convenient because you can drink it as you travel.)

2. 請?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. My Dad is a connoisseur of fine wine and now he's bought a share in a vineyard!

2. When making a pot of tea, you need to leave the tea leaves in the hot water for a few minutes to allow it to properly brew.

3. We're in a bit of a rush so please could we have these pizzas to go?

4. John! Don’t gulp your soup like that. You’ll be sick! Sip it slowly!

5. How long until dinner? The smell of roast chicken is making my mouth water.


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  • 聽力
  • 口語
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂
  • 詞匯
  • 寫作


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