Vocabulary: employment 詞匯: 就業(yè)
Do you have a job? If you do, you'll know the world of work can be tough – long hours, tedious tasks and stress. But it can bring benefits too, such as a regular salary and, sometimes, job satisfaction. Maybe that's why more us are now taking on a side hustle – another name for a second job.
For some having two jobs is a necessity – a way to make ends meet and provide extra income. But it now seems that more people want to put their skills and passions into practice to make money. These tend to be entrepreneurial young people who want to work on their own projects alongside their main source of income.
According to Henley Business School, around one in four workers run at least one side hustle business, half of which were started in the past two years. Those aged 25 to 34 are most likely to be involved, with 37% thought to run a sideline of some kind. It calculates that the average side hustler makes about 20% of their income through their second job.
But what's interesting is that many millennials are turning their hand to new jobs not just for money and security. Research has found that almost three-quarters of people are following a passion or exploring a new challenge. BBC News spoke to Becci Mai Ford, who works some of the time for a telecommunications company to pay the bills, but spends the rest of her time developing her crafting company Ellbie Co. She says going full-time is "not financially worth it right now but it fuels my creative soul and makes me happy."
Mobile apps have also aided the more commercially minded side hustler. Peer-to-peer firms such as Uber, Deliveroo, AirBnb and TaskRabbit allow users to do everything from odd jobs to renting out homes and parking spaces from their mobile phone.
Of course having a side hustle means you are self-employed - or freelance - which can give you flexibility to work when you like, but it can be risky. You sometime work on a zero-hours contract and may not get offered enough work. Or what was originally your passion may become more of a chore. However, this could be the best way to try out a new career or follow a passion while not giving up the day job.
tedious task 單調乏味的工作任務
salary 工資,薪水
job satisfaction 工作滿意度
side hustle 副業(yè)
to make ends meet 收支平衡,維持生計
income 收入
passion 愛好,激情
entrepreneurial 企業(yè)家精神的,創(chuàng)業(yè)精神的
sideline 副業(yè),兼職工作
turn one’s hand to 著手做(不同于平時的活動或工作)
security (工作、經濟)保障
full-time 全職的
creative soul 有創(chuàng)造力的靈魂
peer-to-peer 點對點
odd jobs 零工,雜活
self-employed 自雇的
freelance 從事自由職業(yè)(的)
zero-hours contract 零時工合同
chore 乏味的例行工作
the day job 本職工作,正職
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. Why might you be forced to take a second job?
2. True or false? A side hustler has one extra job alongside their main job.
3. Which type of people are most likely to start a side hustle?
4. What technology has helped people who want a job that makes money easily and quickly?
5. Which word did Becci Mai use to mean it makes her feeling for doing her new business stronger?
2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。
1. Times are hard – I've had to take on an evening job __________.
to make an end meet to make ends meet to makes end meet to end and make
2. With an incredible annual ________, she had no choice but to accept the promotion.
security job satisfaction salary zero-hours contract
3. We had to hire a __________ accountant to help clear the backlog of work we had to do.
freelance entrepreneurial peer-to-peer side hustler
4. The company advertised for someone who could _________ to any task that was need to be done in the factory.
turned their hand turn their hand turning their hand turns a hand
5. Our dishwasher is broken so having to wash the plates by hand is a real _________.
passion tedious tasks chore sideline
1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。
1. Why might you be forced to take a second job?
Having two jobs might be a way to make ends meet and provide extra income.
2. True or false? A side hustler has one extra job alongside their main job.
False. According to Henley Business School, around one in four workers run at least one side hustle business.
3. Which type of people are most likely to start a side hustle?
Those aged 25 to 34 – Millennials - are most likely to be involved with a side hustle.
4. What technology has helped people who want a job that makes money easily and quickly?
Mobile apps have also aided the more commercially minded side hustler.
5. Which word did Becci Mai use to mean it makes her feeling for doing her new business stronger?
'Fuels' – She said it's "not financially worth it right now but it fuels my creative soul and makes me happy."
2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。
1. Times are hard – I've had to take on an evening job to make ends meet.
2. With an incredible annual salary, she had no choice but to accept the promotion.
3. We had to hire a freelance accountant to help clear the backlog of work we had to do.
4. The company advertised for someone who could turn their hand to any task that was need to be done in the factory.
5. Our dishwasher is broken so having to wash the plates by hand is a real chore.