
愛身體 長自信

2019-12-11 17:27




Promoting body positivity 愛身體 長自信

不是每個人都喜歡自己的樣子。我們中的許多人可能沒有安全感,或者過于關注自己不完美的外貌特征。但是,現(xiàn)在有很多人在鼓勵大家要熱愛自己的身體,接受自我,對自己有信心,對自己的外貌有信心。怎樣才能對自己的身體形象有信心,有更積極的看法呢?“隨身英語” 給你幾個好建議……

Vocabulary: Self-confidence 詞匯:自信

'Don't judge a book by its cover,' the popular saying goes. 'All that glitters is not gold,' is another. 'Fine feathers do not make fine birds,' is a third. What do they have in common? They remind us that something's appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. This is what the body positivity movement is all about. Its message is that we should value ourselves for who we are warts and all – accept our flaws and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.

But it's easier said than done. Despite this rise in positivity, many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the objectified stereotype. So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity?

Not comparing your body to others', particularly celebrities', is a good first step. "We're surrounded by these idealised images of what it is to be beautiful," says Becky Young, founder of the Anti Diet Riot Club – a club helping people rethink their relationship with their bodies and food. She points out that comparing only creates a standard we think we need to aspire to and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to scratch.

'Learn to take a compliment,' recommends Thriveworks, a counselling and coaching website which promotes positive mental health. When someone says something nice, embrace it – don’t push it away or play it down. And compliment others too. If you think someone looks nice, or someone has a good idea, tell them. It can lift them up.

Appreciate your body for what it can do – walking, yoga, playing sport or otherwise. "You can be an incredible human regardless of your shape or size," says Esther Field, a body-positive social media campaigner interviewed by the BBC. After knee surgery, "I attended the gym and realised how strong and capable my body was, even though it was fat."

And finally, don't forget that low self-esteem and body confidence issues affect everyone. "There aren't a lot of guys that are pushing this idea of body positivity," David Fadd, a plus-size male model of two years told the BBC. The social media influencer wants to remind us that body image and confidence affect men too.

Ultimately, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be accomplished overnight – but don't give up. Remember that everyone is insecure sometimes. And as David Fadd says "be unapologetic about who you are and what you want as a person. Love what you look like."


don't judge a book by its cover 不能以貌取人
all that glitters is not gold 閃光的并非都是金子
fine feathers do not make fine birds 人不可貌相
appearance 外表,外貌
body positivity 積極的身體形象
warts and all 絲毫不掩飾缺點的,不遮丑的
flaw 缺點,缺陷
imperfection 缺點
insecure 不自信的
measure up 達到,滿足
idealised 把……理想化
aspire to 渴望,追求
up to scratch 達到標準
compliment 贊揚話,稱贊
play something down 對……作低調(diào)處理
lift up 提升(某人)情緒
appreciate 感激,欣賞
plus-size 加大尺碼的


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. What do the three popular sayings at the beginning of the article aim to teach us?

2. What is the problem with comparing ourselves to others, according to Becky Young?

3. In what way can we improve other people's body positivity and confidence?

4. Which event prompted Esther Field to realise how strong and capable she was?

5. What does David Fadd say you should not apologise for?


1. This book is so rare, and therefore valuable, is the printing _______ on the cover.

appearance          flaw                     insecure                   up to scratch

2. Your uncle is very sensitive so please try to _______ that he's wearing a wig.

aspire                   measure up         play down               appreciate

3. Stop being so _______, darling. You look as beautiful as the day I married you.

insecure               imperfect             objectified                idealised

4. James, I'm afraid your last report was not _______. Please redo it in more detail.

up to wound         up to cut              up to bleed              up to scratch

5. Everyone keeps telling me how nice my hair is. It's great to have so many _______!

compliments        appearances        imperfections          insecurities


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。  

1. What do the three popular sayings at the beginning of the article aim to teach us?
That something's appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value.

2. What is the problem with comparing ourselves to others, according to Becky Young?
It creates a standard we think we need to aspire to and disappointment when we can't or don't.

3. In what way can we improve other people's body positivity and confidence?
We can compliment others.

4. Which event prompted Esther Field to realise how strong and capable she was?
Attending the gym after having knee surgery.

5. What does David Fadd say you should not apologise for?
You should not apologise for who you are and what you want as a person.

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思恰當?shù)膯卧~填入句子中的空格處。 

1. This book is so rare, and therefore valuable, is the printing flaw on the cover.

2. Your uncle is very sensitive so please try to play down that he's wearing a wig.

3. Stop being so insecure, darling. You look as beautiful as the day I married you.

4. James, I'm afraid your last report was not up to scratch. Please redo it in more detail.

5. Everyone keeps telling me how nice my hair is. It's great to have so many compliments!


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