

2020-01-13 13:48




Making flying better for the environment 讓飛行更環(huán)保

航空業(yè)經(jīng)常被指責(zé)是造成氣候變化的原因之一。飛行確實(shí)會(huì)產(chǎn)生碳排放,不過人們正在研發(fā)能讓乘坐飛機(jī)變得更加環(huán)保的新技術(shù)?!半S身英語” 圍繞這些新技術(shù),以及它們是否足以幫助減少污染展開討論。

Vocabulary: aviation 詞匯:航空

Flying has shrunk the world! It’s now possible to travel around the globe quickly and easily. Jumping on a plane and jetting off on holiday or a business trip is the norm for many of us, and with the rise of budget airlines, the number of people taking to the skies is increasing. But while air travel is costing us less, the cost to the environment is going up.

Climate change is something we’re all aware of now, and aviation companies know that some of the blame for this is being pointed at them. Last year commercial airlines were forecasted to use about 97bn gallons of jet fuel. But while we could think twice about taking a flight in the first place, particularly a short-haul trip that could be made by train, technology might be the answer to reducing emissions and minimising the environmental damage.

Recent developments have focussed on reducing the amount of fuel airliners burn. Making flying green and sustainable was the hot topic at the recent Dubai Air Show. There was talk of advances in engine technology, making them more efficient, and possibly using biofuel to power aircraft. Alejandro Rios Galvan, a bioenergy expert and professor at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, told the BBC that "these have the capacity to reduce the carbon footprint anywhere between 50-80% when you compare them to fossil (fuels)." And Phil Curnock, chief engineer of the civil future programme at Rolls-Royce, also suggested that electric hybrid engines could play a part for smaller aircraft, covering shorter distances. He says "it offers the possibility of a carbon-neutral flight for a limited range."

Being carbon neutral is the ultimate goal for the aviation industry, and one British airline, Easyjet, has recently said it would become the world's first major net zero carbon airline by offsetting carbon emissions.

Of course, aircraft manufacturers are constantly looking at ways to make their planes more fuel efficient. Boeing’s Dreamliner, for example, is already in operation and uses 25 per cent less fuel per passenger compared with aircraft of a similar size. Other improvements include better aircraft aerodynamics, changes to ways aircraft taxi on runways, and the use of lighter materials.

But if we can’t kick the flying habit, it seems these are the developments we need to make in order to ensure air travel is as green as possible. But aviation experts agree it’s going to take time. We’re left with short-term action such as taxing flights, regulation or protest – or being grounded and not flying at all.


jet off 乘飛機(jī)旅行
budget airline 廉價(jià)航空
take to the skies 飛上藍(lán)天
climate change 氣候變化
aviation companies 航空公司
commercial airline 商業(yè)航空公司
jet fuel 航空煤油
think twice 仔細(xì)考慮
short-haul 短途的
emission 排放
airliner 大型客機(jī)
sustainable 可持續(xù)的
engine 發(fā)送機(jī)
biofuel 生物燃料
carbon footprint 碳足跡
electric hybrid engines 混合動(dòng)力發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
carbon neutral 碳平衡的
manufacturer 制造商
aerodynamics 空氣動(dòng)力學(xué)
taxi (飛機(jī))在地面滑行
grounded (人)不出門的,(飛機(jī))停飛的


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. How much fuel were commercial airlines forecasted to use in 2019?

2. What might be an alternative to taking a short-haul flight?

3. How could biofuel help reduce emissions from aircraft?

4. True or false? Using taxis to take people to the aircraft could help reduce carbon emissions.

5. Who manufactures the Dreamliner aircraft?


1. Rob’s always _______ on holiday. He must be paid too much!

jet off                            jetted off                jetting off                jetting

2. Vehicle _______ need to be cut if we are to reduce pollution in our cities.

carbon footprint            emissions              sustainable             aerodynamics

3. My brother is very _______ - he knows he needs to study hard if he’s to get a good
qualification and a good job.

sustainable                   grounded               aerodynamic            think twice

4. She won the bike race because her _______ bike was fast on the road and very stable when she rode off-road.

aerodynamic                 hybrid                    biofuel                      short-haul

5. I saw a beautiful coat I wanted to buy, but my friend said I should _______ as it might be cheaper in the sales!

think two                      twice think             thinks twice              think twice


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。  

1. How much fuel were commercial airlines forecasted to use in 2019?
Last year commercial airlines were forecasted to use about 97bn gallons of jet fuel.

2. What might be an alternative to taking a short-haul flight?
Alternatives include taking a train or just not travelling at all.

3. How could biofuel help reduce emissions from aircraft?
Using biofuel in aircraft makes engines more efficient, reducing carbon emissions.

4. True or false? Using taxis to take people to the aircraft could help reduce carbon emissions.
False. Changing the ways aircraft taxi on runways is one idea for reducing carbon emissions, but not using taxis!

5. Who manufactures the Dreamliner aircraft?
Boeing manufactures the Dreamliner 787 aircraft.

2. 請?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個(gè)意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. Rob’s always jetting off on holiday. He must be paid too much!

2. Vehicle emissions need to be cut if we are to reduce pollution in our cities.

3. My brother is very grounded - he knows he needs to study hard if he’s to get a good qualification and a good job.

4. She won the bike race because her hybrid bike was fast on the road and very stable when she rode off-road.

5. I saw a beautiful coat I wanted to buy, but my friend said I should think twice as it might be cheaper in the sales!


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