

2020-01-16 12:05




Weird job interviews 奇怪的工作面試

想找到一份新工作并不那么容易。你需要先搜尋一個(gè)合適的職位,如果進(jìn)展順利,你可能會(huì)被邀請(qǐng)前去參加面試。對(duì)一些人來(lái)說(shuō),這是恐慌開(kāi)始出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候,因?yàn)槟銓⒚媾R困難的面試問(wèn)題,同時(shí)你必須證明自己的能力。但是,在面試中,如果你沒(méi)有被問(wèn)及為什么想要這份工作,而是被要求站起來(lái)跳個(gè)舞,你會(huì)怎么想呢?本期 “隨身英語(yǔ)” 告訴你一些人不得不面對(duì)的奇怪面試。

Vocabulary: employment 詞匯:就業(yè)

Finding a new job isn’t always easy. You search for a suitable vacancy, send in an application form and if that goes well, you might be invited for an interview. For some, this is when the panic sets in – you’re going to be faced by a panel of strangers who’ll fire difficult questions at you, and you’ll have to actually prove yourself. But how would you feel if, instead of being asked why you want the job, you’re asked to stand up and dance?!

From the perspective of a company, it wants to hire the right person because they can make a big difference to the success of the organisation. It therefore needs to test a candidate in the most appropriate way to discover how suitable he or she may be. A good interview process should involve rigorous screening of job applicants and effective questions that every applicant gets asked. But that’s not always the case.

Alison Green is an author and creator of the workplace advice column 'Ask a Manager'. She told the BBC that some companies “give their interviewers little or no training and often leave them completely on their own when it comes to figuring out what to ask job candidates.” She mentions that some interviewers are too casual and some focus on building a good rapport and end up hiring the candidate they just ‘clicked with’, regardless of their skills and abilities.

An inexperienced interviewer may think it’s clever to ask ‘if you were an animal, what kind would you be?’ That has been asked, Alison Green says, but in reality this has no connection with the job. And there have been inappropriate requests, such as one job seeker being asked to show the interviewer the inside of her handbag to demonstrate how organised she was. Talking of inappropriate, the BBC heard from a number of people who were surprised by the questions they were asked in an interview. Mature student Kevin Helton said that "the interviewer asked, 'you used to be in the Army, how many people have you killed?'”

But as Alison Green points out, while a candidate might feel at the mercy of an interviewer, they are able to question why they’re being asked something, and while the interviewer might be making judgements, the candidate can also make their own judgement and decide if this is really the career move they want to make!


vacancy 職位空缺
interview 面試
prove yourself 證明自己的實(shí)力
hire 雇傭
organisation 組織,團(tuán)體
candidate 候選人,應(yīng)試者
screening 篩選
applicant 申請(qǐng)人
interviewer 面試官
training 培訓(xùn)
figure out 想出
casual 不在意的,漫不經(jīng)心的
rapport 融洽,和諧的關(guān)系
clicked with 一拍即合的,與……產(chǎn)生共鳴的
skills and abilities 技能與能力
inexperienced 缺乏經(jīng)驗(yàn)的
inappropriate 不適合的,不恰當(dāng)?shù)?br /> job seeker 應(yīng)聘者
at the mercy 聽(tīng)命于……,任憑……擺布
judgement 判斷,評(píng)判
career move 職業(yè)發(fā)展


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. According to the article, what can make a big difference to the success of a company?

2. What is the problem with interviewers just trying to develop a good rapport with the candidate?

3. In one interview, how did the interviewer want to find out how organised a candidate was?

4. True or false? Only the interviewer is able to make judgements about the person they are interviewing.

5. According to Alison Green, what is the problem when an interviewer has little or no training?

2. 請(qǐng)?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個(gè)意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. His in-depth knowledge of how cars work made him a perfect _______ for the job as a mechanic.

interviewer            candidate                 job seeker                vacancy

2. We have a great boss, she has a fantastic _______ with all the team and she even buys them cakes sometimes!

perspective            screening                 rapport                     organisation

3. Our flight is delayed but we’re _______ of the weather – there’s nothing we can do.

at a mercy             on the mercy            at the mercy             of the mercy

4. I’m working so much, my house is a mess so I’m going to have to _______ a cleaner.

hire                       applicant                   perspective               interview

5. I met my wife on a blind date. As soon as started talking, I just _______ her.

clicks with             clicked on                  clicked at                 clicked with


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。  

1. According to the article, what can make a big difference to the success of a company?
A company wants to hire the right person because they can make a big difference to the success of the organisation.

2. What is the problem with interviewers just trying to develop a good rapport with the candidate?
Some interviewers focus on building a good rapport and end up hiring the candidate they just ‘clicked with’, regardless of their skills and abilities.

3. In one interview, how did the interviewer want to find out how organised a candidate was?
An interviewer at one company asked to look the candidate’s handbag to see how organised she was.

4. True or false? Only the interviewer is able to make judgements about the person they are interviewing.
False. While the interviewer might be making judgements, the candidate can also make their own judgement and decide if this is really the career move they want to make!

5. According to Alison Green, what is the problem when an interviewer has little or no training?
She said that some companies give their interviewers little or no training so they don’t know what questions to ask the candidates.

2. 請(qǐng)?jiān)诓粎⒖颊n文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個(gè)意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. His in-depth knowledge of how cars work made him a perfect candidate for the job as a mechanic.

2. We have a great boss, she has a fantastic rapport with all the team and she even buys them cakes sometimes!

3. Our flight is delayed but we’re at the mercy of the weather – there’s nothing we can do.

4. I’m working so much, my house is a mess so I’m going to have to hire a cleaner.

5. I met my wife on a blind date. As soon as started talking, I just clicked with her.


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  • 聽(tīng)力
  • 口語(yǔ)
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂(lè)
  • 詞匯
  • 寫(xiě)作


            班級(jí)名稱 上課地點(diǎn) 上課時(shí)間 費(fèi)用 詳細(xì)



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