搭配 “can't feel one's toes/fingers/nose” 或 “not be able to feel one’s toes/fingers/nose” 的意思是 “由于天氣非常寒冷,腳趾、手指等四肢末梢部位或鼻子被凍僵或者失去知覺”。
在用這兩個搭配來描述 “凍僵” 的感覺時,“can't、couldn't” 的使用頻率要高于 “not able to”,而且人們通常用它來描述個人的感受,所以句子的主語往往是第一人稱代詞 “I、we”,比如:I can't feel my fingers. 我的手指凍麻了。
It's so cold and windy out there! I wrapped up warm, but my face is freezing – I can't feel my nose now!
After walking through the snow for a couple of hours, we couldn’t feel our toes anymore. We were happy to get inside!
A: Are your hands cold, Yanis? They're almost blue.
B: Yes, I forgot to wear my gloves today. I haven’t been able to feel my fingers for a while!