Turning moon dust into water 把月球塵埃變成水
有關 “space exploration(太空探索)” 的詞匯
Where might the experiment with moon rock be carried out in the future?
One of the first things Neil Armstrong did after stepping onto the Moon was collect some soil.
Fifty years later, here it is at the Open University in Milton Keynes. In fact, the OU has been testing Apollo moon rock for decades. Incredible as it sounds, in their latest experiment, PhD student Hannah Sargeant is turning lunar dust into water.
五十年后,采回的土壤被送到了這里,英國米爾頓·凱恩斯鎮(zhèn)的開放大學。其實,開放大學幾十年來一直在分析檢測 “阿波羅” 號采回的月球巖石。雖然聽起來不可思議,但在最近的實驗中,博士生漢娜·薩金特把月球塵埃變成了水。
Hannah Sargeant, PhD student, The Open University
Water is one of the most critical resources we need for space exploration. Not just for the life support needs of humans, but also to make rocket fuel, hydrogen and oxygen - it is propellant. So if we can produce that on the surface of the Moon, we can support long-term space exploration missions and produce the rocket propellant we need to perhaps use the Moon as a sort of pit stop for missions on the way to Mars.
漢娜·薩金特 開放大學博士生
In five years' time, thanks to a collaboration between the European Space Agency and the Russians, her experiment could be happening at the south pole of the Moon.
It's one of the coldest places in our solar system.
They’ll be heating moon rocks to five times the temperature of your oven, so the oxygen inside reacts with hydrogen they’ve brought along - making H2O.
科學家們將把月球巖石樣品加熱到家用烤箱溫度的五倍,這樣一來,巖石內部的氧就能與科學家添加的氫產生反應,生成 H2O(水)。
lunar 月球的
rocket fuel 火箭燃料
propellant 推進劑
mission 任務
In five years' time, her experiment might be carried out at the south pole of the Moon.