

2020-04-10 15:25




A better life 擁抱更健康的生活

我們給自己制定健康生活計(jì)劃的出發(fā)點(diǎn)很好,但要按計(jì)劃執(zhí)行卻不容易。比如:吃得更好,做更多的運(yùn)動(dòng),少花點(diǎn)時(shí)間看手機(jī)。英國(guó)廣播公司的一檔電視節(jié)目“健康生活指南”(Easy Ways to Live Well)提出了一些生活小妙招,幫大家實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的目標(biāo)和計(jì)劃。本文將討論其中一些幫助改善身體和思想健康的方法。

Vocabulary: lifestyle 詞匯:生活方式

How are you feeling today? Often when we ask people that question, they reply ‘not bad’, or ‘could be worse’. But what would make us feel ‘perfect’? Maybe we could live better by being healthier, less stressed, more motivated – but how?

Of course there are many remedies for improving our mental health, but sometimes there are small and simple solutions to help improve our wellbeing. It’s something the BBC TV programme Easy Ways to Live Well has been looking at.  It suggested several ‘health hacks’ which the programme’s presenters tried and gave their ‘seal of approval’. And maybe they could help us too.

Firstly, to tackle putting on weight and to cut the calories, the programme found sniffing peppermint stops our craving for a snack.  Presenter, chef and writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says “a scientific theory called ‘mutual competition’ shows that a strong smell can distract our brain from the food we’re thinking about.”

If your addiction to your smartphone is getting you down, it’s suggested that turning your phone screen grey helps you reduce screen time because a black and white screen becomes less attractive to look at. With recent studies showing our phones can make us 26% less productive and increase our stress, it seems like a no-brainer to try this ‘dim’ idea.

Fancy a swim in ice-cold water? Well, the BBC programme found a daily dip in freezing water gets you used to the stress of doing it and therefore prepares you for other life stresses. And another way to ‘chill out’ is to leave your smartphone at home, immerse yourself in a forest, and breathe in the fresh air. Forest bathing is the perfect tonic for the stresses of urban life.

Other life-improving ideas included things such as singing to reduce pain and fidgeting more to get away from our sedentary lives. But whatever therapy we choose to adopt, it seems any change to our lifestyle can help improve our body and mind.


motivated 有動(dòng)力的
remedy 療法
mental health 精神健康狀態(tài)
wellbeing 健康
hack 好的建議
seal of approval 認(rèn)可
calorie 卡路里
craving 渴望,渴求
get someone down 讓某人感到沮喪
productive 有效率的
no-brainer 容易處理的問(wèn)題
dip 游泳
chill out 放松
immerse 沉浸在……
forest bathing 森林浴
tonic 滋補(bǔ)劑
fidgeting 坐立不安
sedentary 久坐不動(dòng)的
therapy 療法


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. What is it claimed sniffing peppermint does?

2. How can you reduce the temptation to look at a smartphone screen?

3. Why might swimming in freezing water help to reduce stress in your life?

4. True or false: Forest bathing involves immersing yourself in urban life.

5. Generally, what can help improve the health of our body and mind?

2. 選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. After a long wait, the council has finally given the plans for the bypass the _______.

approval seal            seal of approving          seal of approv           seals of approval

2. I have a _______ for anything sweet, but chocolate is my favourite!

calories                    craving                          lifestyle                      addiction

3. For me, the best _______ for a common cold is a hot cup of honey and lemon.

remedy                    tonic                              therapy                      wellbeing

4. Work is really _______; I think it’s time for a new job!

get me down            going down                   getting you up            getting me down

5. Flying to Paris for the weekend is a _______ - if we went by car we’d be driving all the time!

sedentary                 hack                              no-brainer                   chill out


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。  

1. What is it claimed sniffing peppermint does?
Research suggests that sniffing peppermint stops our craving for a snack because a strong smell can distract our brain from the food we’re thinking about.

2. How can you reduce the temptation to look at a smartphone screen?
It’s suggested that turning your phone screen grey helps you reduce screen time because a black and white screen becomes less attractive to look at.

3. Why might swimming in freezing water help to reduce stress in your life?
It’s believed the stress of doing it prepares you for the stresses of real life. 

4. True or false: Forest bathing involves immersing yourself in urban life.
False. Forest bathing involves immersing yourself in a forest and getting away from the stresses or urban life.

5. Generally, what can help improve the health of our body and mind?
Any change to our lifestyle can help improve our body and mind.

2. 選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. After a long wait, the council has finally given the plans for the bypass the seal of approval.

2. I have a craving for anything sweet, but chocolate is my favourite!

3. For me, the best remedy for a common cold is a hot cup of honey and lemon.

4. Work is really getting me down; I think it’s time for a new job!

5. Flying to Paris for the weekend is a no-brainer - if we went by car we’d be driving all the time!


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  • 聽力
  • 口語(yǔ)
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂(lè)
  • 詞匯
  • 寫作


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