要想說一口流利而準確的英語,掌握定冠詞 “the” 的使用方法非常重要。什么情況下用必須用 “the”?什么時候不能用 “the”,而要用不定冠詞 “a” 或 “an”?看視頻,學(xué)習關(guān)于 “the” 的三個實用知識點。
Hi, I'm Phil from BBC Learning English. I'm going to tell you three facts about the.
We use the when we're referring to a specific thing and that both you and the person you're talking to know which one you mean. Please pass me the milk. We can see the bottle so we know it's that one.
Number 2. We don't use the when we're talking about something in general. For example, I love chocolate.
Number 3. We don't use the when it doesn't matter which thing we're talking about. We usually use a or an, here. Give me a cup of tea. I don't care which cup, any cup will do.
Three facts about 'the'
1. We use the when referring to a specific thing and both you and the person you're talking to know which one you mean.
用 “the” 指說話雙方都明確所指的人或事物。
Please pass me the milk - we can see the bottle so we know it's that one.
2. Don't use the when talking about something in general.
非特指的一般事物或人前不加 “the”。
3. We don't use the when it doesn't matter which thing we're talking about. We usually use a or an here.
無關(guān)緊要的、非特指的事物或人前不用 “the”, 用 “a” 或 “an”。
Give me a cup of tea, I don't care which cup, any cup will do.