

2020-07-09 09:32




How long-distance relationships work 異地戀該如何維護(hù)感情


詞匯:relationships 感情關(guān)系

Most of us dream of meeting that special someone. For lack of a better phrase, that Prince or Princess Charming who will sweep us off our feet. But to quote the old adage from Shakespeare, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Sometimes our dream partner may have an unfortunate surprise to share with us – they may not live in the same town, city, country, or even on the same continent as you.

And so some crazy lovebirds decide to enter into a long-distance relationship. We live in a time when the internet facilitates easier interaction with your cherished and treasured potential life partner. However, according to the many people who have been in long-distance relationships, there are certain pitfalls that you need to be aware of to enjoy a committed and monogamous relationship over the wires of the net.

Many people are put off by the very idea of it. A lack of intimacy and companionship can act as a deterrent for some, but for those who embrace a digital distance relationship, they must accept that at times they may feel lonely. Many of us dream of that inseparable bond, often named as ‘soulmates’, and here are three tips to help you navigate this potentially tricky form of dating.

Firstly, there needs to be trust. Being faithful is a prerequisite in most relationships, but you also need to be able to trust yourself not to stray. Part of the challenge is dealing with loneliness. Also, maintaining a level of self-sufficiency and setting goals is another way to help you cope. Not only does it mean you keep your independence, but also gives you more to talk about with your partner. Lastly, you need a plan – dates when you will see each other again, or where the relationship will lead to: perhaps even marriage. 

So, long-distance relationships are potentially a difficult situation, but if you do meet Mr or Mrs Right, and they live far away, there are some steps you can take to make life a little easier.


special someone 特別的那個(gè)人,生命中重要的那個(gè)人
Prince /Princess Charming 白馬王子、白雪公主,理想的另一半
adage 格言
dream partner 理想的伴侶
lovebirds 情侶,戀人
cherished 珍愛(ài)的
treasured 心愛(ài)的
life partner 終身伴侶
pitfall 陷阱
committed 忠誠(chéng)的
monogamous 一夫一妻制的
intimacy 親昵的言行
companionship 陪伴
deterrent 威懾作用
inseparable 親密無(wú)間的
prerequisite 先決條件
self-sufficiency 自給自足,自我滿(mǎn)足
Mr / Mrs Right 意中人,理想伴侶


1. 閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. What puts some people off of long-distance relationships?

2. What is the added benefit of being independent?

3. What is the first thing needed in any relationship?

4. What unfortunate surprise might someone share with you when you first meet them?

5. What do a lot of people call the inseparable bond that some people feel?

2. 選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. _______ to a person is an important part of being in a relationship.

Commit                  Committing                  Commits                   Committed

2. Distance limits the amount you can be _______ with your partner.

intimacy                 intimated                     intimate                    intimates

3. Some people don’t believe in _______.

monogamy             commit                        inseparable               treasured

4. Stricter fines may act as a _______.

deterrent                 deter                           deterred                    deters

5. My dog is a great _______.

company                 companies                 companion                companionship


1. 閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. What puts some people off of long-distance relationships?
A lack of intimacy and companionship.

2. What is the added benefit of being independent?
You have more to talk about with your partner.

3. What is the first thing needed in any relationship?
The first tip mentions that trust is needed in any long-distance relationship.

4. What unfortunate surprise might someone share with you when you first meet them?
That they live far away from you.

5. What do a lot of people call the inseparable bond that some people feel?
The inseparable bond felt by some people is often referred to as soulmates.

2. 選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. Committing to a person is an important part of being in a relationship.

2. Distance limits the amount you can be intimate with your partner.

3. Some people don’t believe in monogamy.

4. Stricter fines may act as a deterrent.

5. My dog is a great companion.


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