
志愿者清理南非海灘塑料垃圾 Tackling a tide of plastic

2020-12-18 14:23




Tackling a tide of plastic 志愿者清理南非海灘塑料垃圾


Tackling a tide of plastic 志愿者清理南非海灘塑料垃圾


有關(guān) “helping the planet(保護地球)” 的詞匯


How many tonnes of plastic bottles do the volunteers collect every time they clean the beach?


Chris Krauss, Sea The Bigger Picture
My name is Chris Krauss and we have been cleaning beaches for two and a half years. We are here at the mouth of the Black River in Cape Town, busy cleaning this beach, which dumps three and a half tonnes of plastic every day into the ocean.

克里斯·克勞斯     Sea The Bigger Picture 倡議活動
“我叫克里斯·克勞斯,我們清理海灘已經(jīng)有兩年半的時間了。我們現(xiàn)在在開普敦的黑河(Black River)河口,忙著清理這片沙灘,每天有重達3.5噸的塑料經(jīng)黑河被沖入大海?!?

I'm a free diver, so we spend most of our weekends in the ocean. The final straw, so to speak, was a big shopping bag which wrapped itself over my face. That was, to me, arather strong sign that I needed to do something.


Every clean we at least remove half a tonne of PET (plastic) bottles. To give you an idea: each bottle this size weighs about 20 grams – so you can imagine how many bottles come in half a tonne.


Plastic is a petrol and fossil fuel product. Therefore, it is part of the global warming issue. It takes a lot of fossil fuels to make plastic and it is almost a pure fossil fuel in itself.


Waseem Rhoda, Volunteer
My name is Waseem Rhoda and I've been cleaning beaches with Sea The Bigger Picture for about two years now. I believe we have a responsibility as citizens to keep the beaches clean because a lot of this rubbish ends up in the ocean and consumed by what I think a lot of us enjoy – seafood.

瓦西姆·羅達     志愿者
“我叫瓦西姆·羅達,作為 Sea The Bigger Picture 活動的參與者,清理海灘已經(jīng)有兩年時間了。我認為作為地球公民,我們有責任保持海灘清潔,因為很多垃圾最終會進入海洋,被海洋生物吞食,這些海洋生物正是我們許多人愛吃的海鮮?!?

Roxy Zunckel, Volunteer
My name is Roxy Zunckel and I have been cleaning beaches for the last, I'd say, 10 years. “You can't have any green without the blue" – that's what Sylvia Earle said. The ocean keeps the entire planet functioning and going around. We need to keep these spaces clean and safe so that we can keep on having our oxygen that we breathe.

羅克西·贊克爾     志愿者

Chris Krauss, Sea The Bigger Picture
We are killing our planet a lot faster than we thought. We have to protect it. Over 100 million marine animals are affected by plastic every single year. We cannot continue on this trajectory of millions of metric tonnes of plastic ending up in the ocean.

克里斯·克勞斯     Sea The Bigger Picture 倡議活動


the final straw 讓人忍無可忍的事情,最后一根稻草

strong sign 強烈的信號

responsibility 責任

functioning 正常運轉(zhuǎn)

trajectory 軌跡


They collect half a tonne of PET (plastic) bottles every time they clean the beach. 


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