
全新電動(dòng)越野系列賽 Extreme E Extreme E: The new electric motorsports series

2021-01-23 14:10




Extreme E: The new electric motorsports series 全新電動(dòng)越野系列賽 Extreme E


Extreme E: The new electric motorsports series 全新電動(dòng)越野系列賽 Extreme E


有關(guān) “power(動(dòng)力)” 的詞匯


Where in the world will this new motorsports series be going to?


The cars are electric SUVs designed by the Formula 1 design guru Adrian Newey. They deliver 400 kilowatts – the equivalent of 550 brake horsepower. And they will be racing in some of the most extreme environments on Earth.


Sir Lewis Hamilton, Formula 1 driver
[What] brought my attention to Extreme E is the great places that it is going to go to and raising awareness for the real climate issues. We’ve got some serious challenges up ahead of us. The direction we are going as a human race is not good, and yes there are potential changes – you know, the government saying that only electric cars – but that fixes… perhaps whilst that fixes one problem, another problem pops up. You know, I’m trying to learn as much as I can with EV technology, which I think Extreme E will help develop, but that I don’t think is the answer to the whole issue that we have.

劉易斯·漢密爾頓爵士     世界一級方程式錦標(biāo)賽車手
“讓我注意到 Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽的是它絕佳的比賽地點(diǎn),同時(shí)它還能引起人們對氣候問題的重視。我們面臨著一些嚴(yán)峻的挑戰(zhàn)。人類前進(jìn)的方向不樂觀,雖然有潛在的變化,比如政府表示未來的道路上只有電動(dòng)汽車,但這可能在解決一個(gè)問題的同時(shí),又產(chǎn)生了新的問題。我在盡可能多的學(xué)習(xí)電動(dòng)汽車技術(shù),我認(rèn)為 Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽將有助于這項(xiàng)技術(shù)的發(fā)展,但我并不認(rèn)為這是解決我們面臨的整個(gè)問題的答案?!?

The idea is to show just how powerful and fun electric vehicles can be, and to raise environmental awareness by racing them in places that have already been affected by climate issues.


The series will be going to Greenland, the Amazon, and the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Extreme E is also billing itself as the world’s first gender-equal motorsport platform: there’ll be four teams, each with two drivers: one male, one female.

這個(gè)系列賽將會前往格陵蘭島、亞馬孫熱帶雨林和沙特阿拉伯的沙漠進(jìn)行比賽。Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽還標(biāo)榜自己是世界上第一個(gè)性別平等的賽車運(yùn)動(dòng)平臺:每場比賽將有四支車隊(duì),每支車隊(duì)有兩名車手,一男一女。

Cristina Gutiérrez, Extreme E driver
The acceleration is totally different; here [there] is more power than the petrol cars. Of course the sound is totally different. Here [There] is no sound. I think I prefer the electric car because I need to make a change, especially in these days because the climate change is near.

克里斯蒂娜·古鐵雷茲     Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽車手

All Extreme E freight and logistics will travel by sea in a refurbished Royal Mail ship – the RMS Saint Helena. And the series will generate some of the power it uses with portable solar panels. They’ll be used to create hydrogen, which, on race day, will be fed into a fuel cell like this to generate electricity, helping prove a low-carbon technology that will find applications around the world, say its designers.

Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽的全部貨物和物流將被海運(yùn)到各地,運(yùn)輸工具是被翻新過的皇家郵政圣赫勒拿號客貨輪(RMS Saint Helena)。賽事將通過便攜式太陽能電池板產(chǎn)生其所需的部分電力。這些電力將被用來制造氫氣,在比賽日,氫氣被注入這樣的燃料電池中來發(fā)電,設(shè)計(jì)者們表示,這有助于證明一種低碳技術(shù)將在世界各地得到應(yīng)用。

So here is the question, does this series deliver on its climate-aware promise?


Justin Rowlatt, BBC Environment Correspondent
Well, there’s no doubt that Extreme E will create unnecessary emissions, but it will also showcase just how capable electric vehicles can be, and it’ll send another important message – that the low-carbon revolution doesn’t have to be dull and boring.

賈斯汀·羅拉特     BBC環(huán)境通訊員
“毫無疑問,Extreme E 電動(dòng)越野系列賽將產(chǎn)生不必要的排放,但它也將展示電動(dòng)汽車的性能有多么強(qiáng)大,并將傳遞另一個(gè)重要的信息:低碳革命不必枯燥乏味?!?


horsepower 馬力

acceleration 加速

generate 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)(電)

fuel cell 燃料電池

capable 有能力做…


The series will be going to Greenland, the Amazon, and the deserts of Saudi Arabia. 


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