‘Foyeco’ – The Togolese stove 多哥節(jié)能爐灶變廢為寶
有關 “waste(廢料)” 的詞匯
Why is the ‘Foyeco’ better for people’s health?
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It’s a motto this Togolese inventor lives by – as he heads to the market to collect discarded coal waste.
Edouard Akakpo-Lado has invented a cooking stove that can run on the coal scraps and residue usually thrown out onto the street.
Edouard Akakpo-Lado, ‘Foyeco’ inventor
It’s got a small fan on the side that blows air onto the coal scraps, which activates the fire and keeps it burning. You don’t need to buy charcoal, because it uses recycled coal scraps, and you prepare food much faster – because it reduces your cooking time by half.
愛德華·阿卡普-拉多 ‘Foyeco’ 發(fā)明者
In Africa, 70% of people cook on open fires using charcoal or wood fuel. Edouard’s invention could be a real game-changer, especially for restaurant owners.
在非洲,有70% 的人用明火燒木炭或木料做飯。愛德華的發(fā)明可能會給人們的生活帶來巨大的改變,對餐館老板們來說,尤其如此。
Amegadze Anastasie, Restaurant owner
I started using ‘Foyeco’ five years ago. Before, we used charcoal and had to fan the flames by hand. It was really slow. It meant that one of our cooks was always busy keeping the fire going. Now the ‘Foyeco’ is different and saves us a lot of money.
阿梅蓋杰·安納斯塔茲 餐館老板
“我五年前開始用 Foyeco 做飯。以前,我們用木炭,必須手拿扇子扇火,特別慢,而且意味著總得有一名廚師忙著讓火一直燃燒?,F在有了 Foyeco 就不一樣了,為我們省了很多錢?!?
It’s good for business and it’s better for health as well. This new stove generates less smoke than traditional models. Breathing these toxic fumes can cause a variety of issues, including emphysema and lung cancer. The WHO (World Health Organisation) even estimates that they kill twice as many people as malaria globally.
Foyeco 不僅對生意有好處,而且對健康的害處也少一點。這種新爐灶產生的煙比傳統爐灶少。吸入這些有毒的煙霧會引起各類問題,包括肺氣腫和肺癌。據世界衛(wèi)生組織估計,全球死于這類疾病的人數甚至是死于瘧疾人數的兩倍。
Having more fuel-efficient stoves can also help fight climate change. It’s estimated that 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from burning coal and firewood.
Edouard Akakpo-Lado, 'Foyeco' inventor
You are basically cooking for free while protecting the environment. You’re saving both time and money.
愛德華·阿卡普-拉多 ‘Foyeco’ 發(fā)明者
Unless renewable alternatives become more affordable – firewood and coal are likely to remain the dominant source of energy for many households on the continent. But until then inventors like Edouard show that simple ideas can make a big difference.
discarded 廢棄的
scraps 廢屑,碎片
residue 殘渣
toxic 有毒的
fuel-efficient 節(jié)能高效的
The ‘Foyeco’ is better for people’s health as it produces less smoke.