
How to motivate children to succeed 如何激勵(lì)孩子向成功進(jìn)發(fā)

2021-08-30 01:00




How to motivate children to succeed 如何激勵(lì)孩子向成功進(jìn)發(fā)

作為家長(zhǎng),鼓勵(lì)孩子學(xué)習(xí)和激發(fā)求知欲對(duì)他們的成長(zhǎng)非常重要。但哪種激勵(lì)方式更好?聽 “隨身英語” 介紹幾種激發(fā)孩子學(xué)習(xí)興趣的方式。

詞匯:learning 學(xué)習(xí)

Children are naturally curious, inquisitive beings, but getting them to study something they aren’t interested in can be a difficult task. Teachers and parents often find themselves resorting to rewards in the form of stars, promises of high grades and wonderful careers, or threats of punishment. But what if rewards and threats aren’t the answer?

Natural curiosity is sometimes referred to as ‘intrinsic motivation’. Studies have found that children who see learning as fun and important are better at it. And it’s easy to understand why – it’s difficult to study something we aren’t engaged with, and if we’re passionate about the info we’re digesting, it feels more fulfilling.

Extrinsic motivation, things like rewards and punishment, does have its uses too. Praise and stimulation based on achieving good grades or fear of reprisal has been acknowledged to motivate older students. However, it seems that at an early age, it doesn’t have as much effect. So, if it’s the case that natural curiosity is motivation for better learning, how can we stimulate that interest?

According to some experts, the key is to allow some degree of autonomy and freedom. Let the child see their learning as their free will. If you want to teach a child to read, let them choose which book they use. Whether it’s a graphic novel, TV guide or classic literature – the aim of stimulating their appetite for reading is still met. Likewise, build a relationship with them as learners – listen to their negative feelings. Explain why an activity is valuable, even if it isn’t exactly fun.

So it seems that the key to motivating children, especially the young ones, might come from stimulating that intrinsic motivation. Maybe it’s time to unleash them from the reigns of threats and rewards, and give them a bit more choice of how they learn.


curious 好奇的
inquisitive 好問的,求知欲強(qiáng)的
task 任務(wù)
resort to 采用,訴諸于
intrinsic 內(nèi)在的,固有的
info 信息
digest 吸收,理解(信息)
fulfilling 讓人感到滿足、有意義的
extrinsic 外部的,外在的
praise 表揚(yáng),贊美
reprisal 報(bào)復(fù),懲罰
degree 程度
autonomy 自主
free will 自愿
appetite 欲望,渴求
unleash 釋放,解除束縛


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. What is sometimes referred to as intrinsic motivation?

2. True or False? It’s easy to study things we aren’t interested in.

3. What type of students can benefit from praise and talks of good grades?

4. If you want to teach reading, what should the child read?

5. Why should you listen to a child’s negative feelings about learning?

2.  選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來完成下列句子。

1. Don’t _______ to offers of sweets – that doesn’t motivate her at all!

resort                               curious                         appetite                   praise

2. I’m just trying to _______ what you’ve just told me.

appetite                           digest                           autonomy                 degree

3. You need to _______ all of that potential. Have you tried meditating?

praise                              appetite                        unleash                    resort     

4. If you give someone _______, they can choose what they learn.

digest                              degree                          curious                     autonomy

5. Thank you for the _______, but it wasn’t necessary.

praise                              curious                          resort                       unleash  


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. What is sometimes referred to as intrinsic motivation?
Natural curiosity is sometimes referred to as intrinsic motivation.

2. True or False? It’s easy to study things we aren’t interested in.
False. It is difficult to study things we aren’t interested in or engaged with.

3. What type of students can benefit from praise and talks of good grades?
Usually, this type of extrinsic motivation is more beneficial to older students.

4. If you want to teach reading, what should the child read?
Anything that the child finds interesting – be it a graphic novel, TV guide or classic literature.

5. Why should you listen to a child’s negative feelings about learning?
You should listen to their negative feelings to build a relationship with them as learners. Explain why an activity is valuable, even if it isn’t exactly fun.

2.  選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來完成下列句子。

1. Don’t resort to offers of sweets – that doesn’t motivate her at all!

2. I’m just trying to digest what you’ve just told me.

3. You need to unleash all of that potential. Have you tried meditating?

4. If you give someone autonomy, they can choose what they learn.

5. Thank you for the praise, but it wasn’t necessary. 


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  • 聽力
  • 口語
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂
  • 詞匯
  • 寫作


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