
Why camping can be so much fun 露營(yíng)度假樂(lè)趣多

2022-03-06 21:00




Why camping can be so much fun 露營(yíng)度假樂(lè)趣多

你喜歡哪種度假方式?你是越來(lái)越多的露營(yíng)愛(ài)好者中的一員嗎?聽(tīng)了本期 “隨身英語(yǔ)” 節(jié)目,你也許會(huì)對(duì)夜空下的假日感到心動(dòng)。從 “wild camping(野外露營(yíng))” 到 “glamping(豪華露營(yíng))”,有多種方式可以讓你體會(huì)回歸自然的樂(lè)趣。

詞匯:camping 露營(yíng)

When you go on holiday, where do you like to stay? Do you like the luxury of a five-star hotel, the convenience of a self-catering apartment or do you prefer the freedom of sleeping under canvas? If you haven’t tried the latter, maybe you should join the increasing number of people who are enjoying the simple pleasures of camping.

By grabbing your tent, and some additional accessories, it’s easy to head off to the countryside and enjoy a night or two under the stars. Many campers are ditching the trappings of their modern, hectic life to do this, encouraged by experts who say a few peaceful nights in the middle of nowhere might be a good way to unwind and improve our sleep patterns and well-being. It is also, of course, a good low-budget holiday option.

For the adventurous, wild camping is the ultimate escape from reality. Armed with just some food and a sleeping bag, you’re free from rules, away from other people, and able to enjoy the back-to-basics experience. One wild camper, Phoebe Smith, told the BBC: “The act of sleeping when everybody else has gone home – when you notice the wildlife and the stars – is one of the best things in life.”

But for those who still want some home comforts, a campsite is a more suitable place to pitch your tent. Here you have facilities such as washrooms, a shop and maybe even a restaurant. And for the most luxurious camping experience, you could try glamping. In the UK, camping – and caravanning – has always been popular. One survey by Visit Britain found around 4.38 million people go camping in Britain every year.

More recently, sales of camping gear have jumped as more people have opted for a staycation within the UK due to travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. One camping retailer, Halfords, reported a surge in demand for products such as stoves, cool boxes and camping chairs. With the addition of inflatable mattresses and pillows, powerful torches and lamps to light up your tent and a better selection of easy-to-cook food, you can almost guarantee a comfortable and enjoyable camping expedition. The only thing you can’t guarantee, in the UK at least, is good weather! So maybe it’s time to slum it and give camping a try.


five-star 五星級(jí)的
self-catering 自理膳食的
under canvas (睡)在帳篷里
camping 露營(yíng)
tent 帳篷
accessories 配件
under the stars 在星空下,在野外
camper 露營(yíng)者
ditch 擺脫,拋棄
the middle of nowhere 荒郊野嶺,人跡罕至的地方
low-budget 開(kāi)銷少的,低預(yù)算的
adventurous 勇于冒險(xiǎn)的
wild camping 野營(yíng)
sleeping bag 睡袋
back-to-basics 返璞歸真的
home comfort 家一般的舒適
campsite 度假營(yíng)地,宿營(yíng)地
pitch 搭(帳篷)
facilities 設(shè)施
glamping 豪華露營(yíng),舒適露營(yíng)
caravanning 駕宿營(yíng)車度假
staycation “宅” 度假,居家度假(不出遠(yuǎn)門,在家附近度假)
stove 爐子
cool box (用于保存食物、飲料等的)冷箱
camping chair 野營(yíng)椅
inflatable mattress 充氣床墊
torch 手電筒
slum it 簡(jiǎn)樸點(diǎn),將就點(diǎn)


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. According to some experts, why can camping be good for you?

2. What is described in the article as a ‘back-to-basics’ experience?

3. Where might you get washrooms and a restaurant when you are camping?

4. What can’t be guaranteed when camping in the UK?

5. True or false? There’s been an increase in demand for camping chairs.

2.  選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. We’re _______ our car and using public transport from now on.

pitching                        ditching                       camping                  slumming it

2. We decided to fly with a _______ airline but regretted it when the flight was cancelled.

lowly-budget                lower-budget               low-budget              lowest-budget

3. We’re quite _______ so we jumped at the chance to hike up the mountain.

adventurous                adventurers                 adventure                adventuring

4. We loved the hotel because it had great _______.

accessories                 five-star                       facilities                   camping

5. On our road trip to France, we had to _______ by travelling in the back of a van.

slumming it                  slummed it                  slum at                     slum it


1. 閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。 

1. According to some experts, why can camping be good for you?
Some experts say a few peaceful nights in the middle of nowhere might be a good way to unwind and improve our sleep patterns and well-being.

2. What is described in the article as a ‘back-to-basics’ experience?
Wild camping can be considered a ‘back-to-basics’ experience.

3. Where might you get washrooms and a restaurant when you are camping?
These are the facilities you might find at a campsite.

4. What can’t be guaranteed when camping in the UK?
You can’t guarantee good weather when camping in the UK.

5. True or false? There’s been an increase in demand for camping chairs.
True. Camping retailer Halfords reported a surge – an increase – in demand for products such as stoves, cool boxes and camping chairs.

2. 選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. We’re ditching our car and using public transport from now on.

2. We decided to fly with a low-budget airline but regretted it when the flight was cancelled.

3. We’re quite adventurous so we jumped at the chance to hike up the mountain.

4. We loved the hotel because it had great facilities.

5. On our road trip to France, we had to slum it by travelling in the back of a van. 


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