
與 “服飾” 有關(guān)的四個(gè)英語動(dòng)詞短語

2022-06-25 23:59




與 “服飾” 有關(guān)的四個(gè)英語動(dòng)詞短語


“穿、戴、脫、掛、試”…… 這些在談?wù)摲棔r(shí)常用的詞用英語怎么說?在 “我要戴墨鏡” 這句話中,“戴上” 對(duì)應(yīng)哪個(gè)英語動(dòng)詞短語?主持人 Sian 在本集 “一分鐘英語” 視頻中介紹與 “服飾” 有關(guān)的四個(gè)動(dòng)詞短語。


Hi! I'm going to share four great phrasal verbs about clothes.

'Put on'. This means 'place clothes on your body'.

Oh, it's sunny today – I'll put on my glasses.

'Try on'. We use 'try on' when we put on clothes for a short time to see if they look good and if they're the right size. We often try on clothes or shoes in a shop before we buy them.

I'm just trying on this hat, but I think it's too small.

Our next phrasal verb is 'take off'. This is the opposite of 'put on'. It means 'remove clothes'.

Oops! I forgot to take off my hat.

And finally, when you take off your clothes you can 'hang them up'. This means 'put them on a hook or a hanger'.

Hang your clothes up! Don't leave them on the floor.

One final thing to remember – these phrasal verbs can all be separated, so you can 'put your clothes on' or 'put on your clothes'.


1. 動(dòng)詞短語 “put on” 表示 “穿,戴”。在使用時(shí),賓語可以放在 “put on” 后面,也可以放在 “put” 和 “on” 中間。

  • I'm going to put on my coat as it's getting cold.
  • I'm going to put my coat on as it's getting cold.
  • Oh, it's sunny today – I'll put on my glasses.
  • Oh, it's sunny today – I'll put my glasses on.

2. 動(dòng)詞短語 “try on” 表示 “試穿,試戴”,常指 “購買前為查看尺寸和款式是否適合自己而試穿”。使用時(shí),賓語可以放在 “try on” 后面,也可以放在 “try” 和 “on” 中間。

  • I'd like to try on a new coat.
  • I'd like to try a new coat on.
  • I'm just trying on this hat, but I think it's too small.
  • I'm just trying this hat on, but I think it's too small.

3. 動(dòng)詞短語 “take off” 表示 “脫下”,與 “put on” 正相反。使用時(shí),賓語可以放在 “take off” 后面,也可以放在 “take” 和 “off” 中間。

  • I'm going to take off this coat because I don't like it.
  • I'm going to take this coat off because I don't like it.
  • Oops! I forgot to take off my hat.
  • Oops! I forgot to take my hat off.

4. 動(dòng)詞短語 “hang up” 表示 “掛起來,掛在掛鉤或衣架上”。使用時(shí),賓語可以放在 “hang up” 后面,也可以放在 “hang” 和 “up” 中間。

  • Let me hang up my nice suit.
  • Let me hang my nice suit up.
  • Hang up your clothes! Don't leave them on the floor.
  • Hang your clothes up! Don't leave them on the floor.


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