

2015-01-07 10:26



At the movies 看電影

The script of this programme 本節(jié)目臺(tái)詞

A cinema: the place for dreams!


Neil: Hello. I’m Neil. In this programme, we're going to talk about movies. What kind of movies do you like, Feifei?

Feifei: I love romcoms, Neil! 我喜歡看 “Romcom 浪漫愛(ài)情片”。Romcom 是個(gè)名詞,它是由單詞 romantic comedy 組成的一個(gè)合成詞。What about you, Neil, what sort of movies do you like the most?

Neil: Well, I can’t resist a ‘whodunnit’. 'Whodunnit' is short for ‘who has done it’. The point of these films is for the audience to try to guess who committed a serious crime – usually murder.

Feifei: Ah, you like detective movies! 單詞 whodunnit 也是個(gè)名詞,它是短語(yǔ) “who has done it” 的縮寫(xiě),意思是“兇殺懸疑片”。偵探在推理過(guò)程中就會(huì)用 “who has done it” 作為線索引子。說(shuō)到這兒,讓我想起了神探福爾摩斯。

Neil: Yes, ‘romcom’ and ‘whodunnit’ are today’s expressions in Authentic Real English. And ... there’s one more. Now, see if you can guess: (sounding like a robot) Hello. I’m a robot sent from the future to prevent war and destruction!

Feifei: A sci-fi movie! Sci-fi 是 science fiction 的縮寫(xiě),就是我們熟知的“科幻片”。I love science fiction too. But sometimes it’s scary!

Neil: (sounding like a robot) Well, there's no need to be scared … I can’t keep doing that… There’s no need to be scared of BBC Learning English because we explain everything to you so clearly. Let's hear some examples of today’s three movie-related expressions.


  • My favourite sci-fi movie is Star Wars. I can’t wait for the next film in the series!
  • I’m catching a movie with my friends after work. We’re going to watch the latest romcom.
  • Alfred Hitchcock was the master of the whodunnit. Nobody makes better films in that genre than he did!

Feifei: That’s it! 我去買(mǎi)爆米花!

Neil: And I’m going to buy some drinks!

Feifei: Let’s catch a movie! A sci-fi?

Neil: (sounding like a robot) Yes, indeed! We are going to catch a movie… I am a robot who came from the future to catch a movie with you, Feifei…

Feifei: 瞧你這演技,能獲奧斯卡獎(jiǎng)了!Let’s go! Bye!

Neil: See you soon.


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  • 聽(tīng)力
  • 口語(yǔ)
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂(lè)
  • 詞匯
  • 寫(xiě)作


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