

2015-01-28 14:08



Full-on 形容精神強(qiáng)烈緊張的短語(yǔ)

The script of this programme 本節(jié)目臺(tái)詞

The party was full-on!


Feifei: 大家好!歡迎收聽(tīng)《地道英語(yǔ)》。我是馮菲菲,今天和我搭檔的是 Neil。

Neil: Hello! And the expression we are going to look at in this programme - which we hear a lot in colloquial speech - is 'full-on'. So, Feifei, did you have a good weekend?

Feifei: It was quiet. 我一整周末都宅在家里。I stayed home most of the time, watched a couple of old, black and white films with my grandmother on Sunday. That was the highlight really. How about you?

Neil: Well... that sounds quite quiet and relaxed. Well, my weekend was a bit different to yours. I went to the launch party of a new bar on Friday - that was quite a night! And then on Saturday my friends took me to a night club that went on until the morning!

Feifei: Wow! That sounds exciting. Clubbing? 你這年齡了?Aren't you a bit old for that sort of thing?

Neil: No, I'm not too old, but to be honest – it was a bit full-on.

Feifei: Full-on? What do you mean?

Neil: Well, the loud music, the dancing, the drinking, the energy. It was very intense. I'm not old, but I'm not as young as I was.

Feifei: 哦,這里 full-on 的意思是活動(dòng)安排的很緊湊,連喘口氣的時(shí)間都沒(méi)有。

Neil: Yes. I think I need a few days to recover; it was so full-on.

Feifei: What else can be full-on?

Neil: Some people are a bit full-on. A bit extreme. Not very relaxing to be with.

Feifei: 有時(shí)候人也可以是 full-on,意思就是說(shuō)這個(gè)人做事兒有點(diǎn)兒過(guò)了,讓周?chē)娜司窬o張,感到有些負(fù)擔(dān),a bit extreme,not relaxing。Full-on 這個(gè)表達(dá)非??谡Z(yǔ)化,在日常生活中使用頻率很高。I know what you mean. Sarah's a bit full-on isn't she?

Neil: Yes, she scares me. She stands so close when she talks to me and stares right into my eyes. Work can also be full-on when it's really busy.

Feifei: 另外,工作忙起來(lái)的時(shí)候,我們也可以用 full-on 這個(gè)詞。

Neil: Let's listen to some more examples.


Man: Have a good holiday?

Woman: To be honest, not really. We were up at 6am every day to get as much sightseeing done as possible and didn't get to bed till midnight. It was so full-on. I feel like I need another holiday.

  • I really don't like children's parties. All those excited, screaming kids. It's too full-on.
  • London's too full-on. I need to move to the countryside.

Feifei: Well, if you want a more relaxing weekend next time, come and watch some films with me and my grandmother. It's really laid back.

Neil: That sounds a lot less full-on. I'll do that. Join us again soon for some more Authentic Real English.

Feifei: Bye!


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  • 聽(tīng)力
  • 口語(yǔ)
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂(lè)
  • 詞匯
  • 寫(xiě)作


            班級(jí)名稱(chēng) 上課地點(diǎn) 上課時(shí)間 費(fèi)用 詳細(xì)



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