
How cold affects the body 寒冷對身體的影響

2023-02-08 00:00




How cold affects the body 寒冷對身體的影響


詞匯:temperature 氣溫

When we think of low temperature as a danger, we often imagine people working outside in polar regions in the depths of winter or in cold storage facilities, layered in thermal clothing to help them deal with freezing temperatures. But do we also need to protect ourselves when it's just a bit chilly as well as in arctic conditions?

As mammals, our bodies have to maintain an internal temperature in a narrow range between 37 and 37.5C. If that temperature drops, the effects can be serious. Below 35C, people can develop hypothermia, with symptoms such as shivering, confusion, and slurred speech. If body temperature drops below 29C, it can lead to loss of consciousness. Fortunately our bodies can regulate their internal temperature, but there are some negative side effects which come with this process.

Ten degrees Celsius is hardly biting cold, but that's the temperature that BBC journalist James Gallagher was made to endure in an experiment at the University of South Wales. As the test room was cooled from 21 degrees, his blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate all increased, while the flow of blood to his brain decreased by 20%. What are the consequences of this? Immediately, it meant that Gallagher took longer to solve some simple puzzles. As a longer-term risk, Professor Damian Bailey points out that increased blood pressure puts us at greater risk of stroke and heart attacks.

Professor Bailey suggests that in the cold, people should wear clothing that provides good insulation, eat more carbohydrates, and be more active. Another approach is suggested by Professor Christopher Minson. He believes that people are too reliant on being able to control the temperature around them, and that we can gradually train ourselves to cope with a lack of warmth and be comfortable at lower temperatures. So, while moderately low temperatures can have an effect on us, there are steps we can take to cope with them.


polar 極地的
depths of winter 隆冬
cold storage 冷藏
thermal 保暖的
freezing (天氣)極冷的
chilly 寒冷的
arctic conditions 天氣極其寒冷
range 范圍
drop 下降
hypothermia 體溫過低
shivering (因寒冷)發(fā)抖
regulate 調節(jié)
Celsius 攝氏度
biting cold 嚴寒
endure 忍受
cool (使)冷卻,(使)變涼
insulation 防御寒冷,保暖
warmth 溫暖
comfortable 舒適的


1.  閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. In what range should our internal body temperature be?

2. What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

3. What happened to James Gallagher's heart rate during the experiment?

4. What can be consequences of high blood pressure?

5. True or false? Professor Minson believes it is good that people can control temperature easily.

2.  選擇意思恰當?shù)膯卧~或詞組來完成下列句子。

1. Antarctica and the Arctic are _______ regions.

biting                           polar                             chilly                          thermal

2. January is in the _______ of winter.

drops                           ranges                          depths                        warmths

3. Below zero degrees Celsius, it is _______.

thermal                        cool                               polar                          freezing

4. It's important to have clothing that provides _______.

comfortable                  insulation                      thermal                      temperature

5. _______ is something our body does to keep us warm.

Insulation                     Hypothermia                  Running                     Shivering


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。 

1. In what range should our internal body temperature be?
Between 37 and 37.5C.

2. What are the symptoms of hypothermia?
Symptoms can include shivering, confusion and slurred speech.

3. What happened to James Gallagher's heart rate during the experiment?
His heart rate increased.

4. What can be consequences of high blood pressure?
Professor Bailey said that high blood pressure could increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

5. True or false? Professor Minson believes it is good that people can control temperature easily.
False. He believes that people are too reliant on being able to control the temperature around them.

2.  選擇意思恰當?shù)膯卧~或詞組來完成下列句子。

1. Antarctica and the Arctic are polar regions.

2. January is in the depths of winter.

3. Below zero degrees Celsius, it is freezing.

4. It's important to have clothing that provides insulation.

5. Shivering is something our body does to keep us warm. 


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