- 給孩子們進行電子產(chǎn)品"排毒"Digital detox for children
- 美國宇航局“新視野號”飛掠冥王星Nasa spacecraft speeds past Pluto
- 在另一個世界On another planet
- 保持緘默Hold your tongue
- 繁文縟節(jié),官僚作風Red tape
- 拯救大猩猩先生Saving Mr Chimp
- 黑白分明的Black and white
- 受到懷疑Under a cloud
- 表示內(nèi)衣褲的詞語Words for underwear
- 趕時髦腳受苦Suffering for fashion
- 倫敦希思羅機場第三條跑道Report backs third runway for Heathrow
- 濕透了Soaked to the skin
- 暈頭轉(zhuǎn)向In a spin
- 在南極儲存冰Storing ice in the Antarctic
- 窄腿緊身牛仔褲有礙健康Skinny jeans 'bad for your health'
- 梗概The bare bones
- 禍不單行It never rains but it pours
- 私人專屬時間Me time
- 把科學帶到酒吧Taking science to the bar
- 戰(zhàn)爭的代價The cost of war
- 陷入困境In deep water
- 社會棟梁A pillar of society
- 網(wǎng)絡欺凌Cyberbullying
- 從握力看健康Your health in your hands
- 黑猩猩也喜歡喝酒Chimps 'have a taste for alcohol'
- 滅火救場Putting out fires
- 退居二線Take a back seat
- 人類在21世紀的無眠夜Sleepless in the 21st century
- 野生鋸鰩單性繁殖Sawfish 'virgin births' astonish science
- 白紙黑字In black and white
- 海外留學生刺激英國經(jīng)濟增長Foreign students boost UK economy
- Too many emails is bad for business太多的電子郵件對公司運營不利
- 皰疹病毒可用來治療皮膚癌Cold sore virus 'treats skin cancer'
- 蜂擁而至To flock to
- 文化禿鷹Culture vulture
- 尷尬窘境A sticky situation
- 模特兒們都太瘦了嗎?Are models too slim?
- 歇歇腳Take the weight off your feet
- 僥幸的脫險A close shave
- 炸魚薯條出風頭 成為話劇主角Fish and chips gets top billing
- 亞洲國家占據(jù)全球最大規(guī)模學校排名前五Asia's school top of the class
- 失控暴怒Flip out
- 玩得非常痛快Have a whale of a time
- 腦子一片空白My mind's gone blank
- 長毛象死而復生?Will dead species come back to life?
- 西方流行樂壇過去50年的發(fā)展The evolution of western pop music
- 升到最高層Rise to the top
- 宣泄被壓抑的情感Let off steam
- 睡一覺 考慮一下Sleep on it
- What does your beard say about you?你的胡須展現(xiàn)了你的個性嗎?