- 克服恐懼 Face up to one’s fears
- 驚慌失措 Lose one’s nerve
- 勇敢面對,堅持到底 Brave something out
- 堅韌不拔 True grit
- 一面之緣,擦肩而過 Like ships that pass in the night
- 開始行動 Get the show on the road
- 海灘客 Beach bum
- 像家一樣令人自在的地方 A home from home
- 距離遙遠;差遠了 A country mile
- 破曉時分,一大早 At the crack of dawn
- 出發(fā),上路 Hit the road
- 養(yǎng)精蓄銳 Recharge one’s batteries
- 人跡罕至的,偏遠的 Off the beaten track
- 拋開煩惱去度假 Get away from it all
- 笑開了花,咧嘴大笑 Grin from ear to ear
- 笑破肚皮 Split one’s sides
- 全身心投入 Sink one’s teeth into something
- 放聲大笑 Burst out laughing
- 快樂之地,樂園 A happy place
- 不可理喻,非常過分 Beyond a joke
- 加倍努力,加緊工作 Go into overdrive
- 像熱鍋上的螞蟻一般,坐立不安 Like a cat on a hot tin roof
- 傾力出資;傾盡全力 Dig deep
- 非常困難 Like pulling teeth
- 一劑強心針 A shot in the arm
- 不顧風險 Throw caution to the wind
- 說錯話,做蠢事 Drop a clanger
- 苦盡甘來 April showers bring May flowers
- 孤燕不成夏 One swallow doesn’t make a summer
- 取得進展 Make headway
- 集中全部精力;躺下睡覺 Get your head down
- 非常普通 Garden-variety
- 心不在焉,胡思亂想 Head in the clouds
- 獨樹一幟,標新立異 March to the beat of a different drum
- 謹防危險,千萬小心 Beware the ides of March
- 冷不防地問某人 Spring something on someone
- 先發(fā)制人 Steal a march on someone
- 大自然,自然界 Mother Nature
- 笑到最后 Have the last laugh
- 看時間等下班 Watch the clock
- 見木不見林 Can’t see the wood for the trees
- 笨手笨腳 As awkward as a cow on roller skates
- 一針見血,一語中的 Hit the bullseye
- 非常無聊 Like watching grass grow
- 固執(zhí)己見 To be bullheaded
- My one and only 我的唯一
- Have ice in one’s veins 鎮(zhèn)定自若
- 潑冷水 Throw cold water on something
- 冷落某人 Leave someone in the cold
- 外表冷漠心腸熱 Cold hands, warm heart