
Why our brains love lists 為什么我們的大腦喜歡清單思維?

2023-08-21 16:01




Why our brains love lists 為什么我們的大腦喜歡清單思維?

在日常工作和生活中,我們難免會(huì)因?yàn)樾枰瓿纱罅康娜蝿?wù)而感到大腦 “超負(fù)荷”。怎樣才能從容地管理工作和生活中的方方面面?不妨列一張待辦事項(xiàng)清單。有了它,我們不僅辦事更有條理,還能有序地推進(jìn)所制定的各項(xiàng)計(jì)劃。同時(shí),每劃掉一項(xiàng)任務(wù)就能獲得一點(diǎn)成就感,可以稍感放松,因?yàn)檠芯勘砻?,人們記住待辦事項(xiàng)的能力要強(qiáng)于記住已完成事項(xiàng)的能力。本期 “隨身英語(yǔ)” 節(jié)目探討為什么大腦喜歡清單思維。

詞匯:productivity 效率

Productivity can be a struggle for many of us. Overflowing email inboxes, housework, social obligations – it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. However, one simple tool that can help us stay on top of everything is the to-do list. Write it down, do the tasks and cross them off – simple!

There are three key reasons why lists are beneficial, according to psychologist and author David Cohen. Firstly, they help to drown out the chaos and anxiety that comes with having never-ending tasks. By writing everything down, we don't have to rely on our memory and can instead focus on the task at hand. Secondly, lists provide structure and guidance, giving us a plan to follow. As well as this, our brains are more likely to retain information that is presented in a structured and organised manner. And finally, lists serve as proof of what we have achieved, which can help boost our sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Another possible reason our brains love lists is because of something called the 'Zeigarnik Effect'. This is the name psychologists use for when we remember things we need to do, our unfinished tasks, better than things we have already completed. Researchers from Wake Forest University tested the interference of the Zeigarnik effect on a group of people. The experiment began with a warm-up task, though it was stopped half-way through, and only some people were allowed to make plans to finish it. The researchers found that the group permitted to plan had reduced anxiety and performed better in the second task. The problem was, the others still had the warm-up task stuck in their active memory – an unticked list of tasks. So, once we tick something off our list, our brain forgets about it and we can relax.

All in all, it seems lists are a valuable tool for staying on top of life!


productivity 效率
overflowing 爆滿的,裝滿了的
overwhelmed 難以承受的,不知所措的
tool 方法,工具
to-do list 待辦事項(xiàng)清單
task 任務(wù)
cross off (從清單上)劃掉
drown out 蓋過(guò),壓過(guò)
never-ending 沒(méi)完沒(méi)了的
write down 寫(xiě)下,記下
at hand 手頭的,手邊的
structure 條理,結(jié)構(gòu)
retain 記住
structured 有條理的,結(jié)構(gòu)清晰的
organised 有條不紊的,安排有序的
proof 證明
accomplishment 成就
motivation 動(dòng)力
unfinished 未完成的
interference 干擾,干預(yù)
active memory 短期記憶
unticked 未(在清單上)勾掉的
tick off 在(清單上)勾掉
stay on top of 時(shí)時(shí)關(guān)注,掌握最新進(jìn)展


1.  閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。

1. Why is it helpful to write tasks down?

2. How do lists help our sense of accomplishment and motivation?

3. True or False? The Zeigarnik effect is a phenomenon that helps us finish tasks.

4. What did researchers from Wake Forest University test in their experiment?

5. Which group performed better in the second task of the experiment?

2.  選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. I always _______ washing and ironing clothes even though I don't enjoy it.

cross off                          drown out                 write down                stay on top of

2. The police had _______ that she committed the crime. She was on the CCTV.

accomplishment             productivity                interference             proof

3. My _______ definitely gets lower towards the end of the working day.    

motivation                       tool                            task                          structure

4. I can get _______ if there is too much noise in the house. I like peace and quiet.

unfinished                       organised                  structured                 overwhelmed

5. Zainab has a _______ list of books she wants to read.

never-ending                  unticked                     active                        social


1. 閱讀課文并回答問(wèn)題。 

1. Why is it helpful to write tasks down?

Because by writing everything down, we don't have to rely on our memory and can instead focus on the task at hand.

2. How do lists help our sense of accomplishment and motivation?

Lists serve as proof of what we have achieved.

3.True or False? The Zeigarnik effect is a phenomenon that helps us finish tasks.

False. The Zeigarnik effect is the phenomenon of remembering things we need to do, our unfinished tasks, better than things we have already completed.

4. What did researchers from Wake Forest University test in their experiment?

Researchers tested the interference of the Zeigarnik effect on a group of people.

5. Which group performed better in the second task of the experiment?

The group permitted to plan had reduced anxiety and performed better in the second task.

2.  選擇意思恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組來(lái)完成下列句子。

1. I always stay on top of washing and ironing clothes even though I don't enjoy it.

2. The police had proof that she committed the crime. She was on the CCTV.

3. My motivation definitely gets lower towards the end of the working day. 

4. I can get overwhelmed if there is too much noise in the house. I like peace and quiet.

5. Zainab has a never-ending list of books she wants to read. 


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