《媒體英語》帶大家一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用的單詞、短語和固定搭配表達。
- Great Barrier Reef 'severely damaged' 大堡礁“嚴重受損”
- German football legend investigated德國“足球傳奇”貝肯鮑爾成調查對象
- Should children run a mile each day?兒童應該每天都跑一英里嗎?
- Humans and Neanderthals: An ancient love story現(xiàn)代人和穴居人:遠古愛情故事
- Climate change 'to make flights longer'氣候變化“導致飛行時間加長”
- Deforestation attracts black rats森林砍伐吸引黑鼠
- Solar System's ninth planet?太陽系的第九顆行星?
- Huge canyon under the Antarctica?南極冰層下可能發(fā)現(xiàn)巨大峽谷
- Dogs 'can read canine emotions'狗可以讀懂犬類同胞的情感
- Cancer – not 'down to chance'癌癥 - 不“取決于運氣”
- COP21: The economics behind climate change巴黎氣候大會:氣候變化背后的經濟變化
- Banking with apps手機銀行應用普及
- 2015 likely to be warmest on record2015年可能成為史上最熱年
- Antibiotics resistance warning專家警告稱后抗生素時代即將到來
- Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma' 寵物狗“可能有助兒童避免患哮喘”
- Processed meat 'causes cancer' - WHO世衛(wèi)組織:常吃加工肉制品增加患癌幾率
- Ancestors 'had less sleep' than we do現(xiàn)代人睡眠時間超過祖先
- Nepal considers Everest restrictions尼泊爾考慮對登山者年齡設限
- Will a robot take your job?機器人會搶了你的飯碗嗎?
- Selfie ban at festival in India印度禁止民眾在節(jié)日慶典活動自拍
- Special book makes water drinkable巧用書本過濾飲用水
- Astronauts eat space-grown food宇航員享用自種太空蔬菜
- Whale song plan for old military base改建之后的“鯨魚之歌”旅游景點
- 霍金發(fā)起尋找外星人計劃Hawking's search for alien life
- 美國宇航局“新視野號”飛掠冥王星Nasa spacecraft speeds past Pluto
- 倫敦希思羅機場第三條跑道Report backs third runway for Heathrow
- 窄腿緊身牛仔褲有礙健康Skinny jeans 'bad for your health'
- 戰(zhàn)爭的代價The cost of war
- 黑猩猩也喜歡喝酒Chimps 'have a taste for alcohol'
- 野生鋸鰩單性繁殖Sawfish 'virgin births' astonish science
- 海外留學生刺激英國經濟增長Foreign students boost UK economy
- 皰疹病毒可用來治療皮膚癌Cold sore virus 'treats skin cancer'
- 亞洲國家占據全球最大規(guī)模學校排名前五Asia's school top of the class
- 西方流行樂壇過去50年的發(fā)展The evolution of western pop music
- 海洋生物被港口人工照明搞的暈頭轉向Sea creatures confused by harbour lights
- 在英國超市購物真能撿到便宜嗎?Are British consumers getting a bargain?
- 灰鯨創(chuàng)哺乳動物遷徙距離最長紀錄Whale makes record journey
- 皮膚癌發(fā)病率增長與廉價全包假期有關Skin cancer
- 螞蟻在太空的表現(xiàn)Ants in space
- 尼羅河協(xié)議Nile river agreement
- 退役王子下步怎么走?What next for jobless prince?
- 博物館禁止在室內使用自拍棒Selfie-stick ban
- 企鵝失去對魚的味覺Penguins lost ability to taste fish
- UK economic growth slows最新公布數據顯示英國經濟增長速度緩步
- Vaccine too expensive, says NGO無國界醫(yī)生組織稱疫苗在貧窮國家價格不菲
- Wildlife crime prints 'breakthrough'科學家找到從猛禽羽毛上提取偷獵者指紋方法
- Eight new planets太陽系外八顆新行星中包括“外星球”