

2018-01-23 15:39




'World's longest cave' discovered 墨西哥潛水團(tuán)隊(duì)發(fā)現(xiàn)“世界最長(zhǎng)”水下洞穴


墨西哥的潛水員們?cè)诋?dāng)?shù)匕l(fā)現(xiàn)了“世界上最長(zhǎng)的”水下洞穴,這個(gè)洞穴長(zhǎng)約216英里(347公里)。名為“大瑪雅地下水層項(xiàng)目(The Gran Acuifero Maya project)”的工作人員稱,這一發(fā)現(xiàn)將幫助我們更加深入地了解有關(guān)瑪雅文明的歷史。

The group of divers spent months exploring a maze of underwater channels near the Mexican beach resort of Tulum. Parts of the region were inhabited by the ancient Mayan civilisation before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.


With more than 200 caves, they thought there was chance that something record-breaking would be found below the surface – they just had no proof – until now. For the team has discovered that one large cavern, Sac Actun, is actually connected to another, Dos Ojos, creating a 350km-long cave. Now for size, that's the equivalent of 7,000 Olympic swimming pools in length and in places up to 100m deep.

該團(tuán)隊(duì)已挖掘出的洞穴有200多個(gè),因此他們認(rèn)為很可能會(huì)在水下發(fā)現(xiàn)長(zhǎng)度破紀(jì)錄的一個(gè),只是直到現(xiàn)在為止,他們沒有找到證據(jù)。已發(fā)現(xiàn)的被稱作“白色洞穴(Sac Actun)”的巨大山洞其實(shí)與“雙眼洞穴(Dos Ojos)”相連,共同構(gòu)成了350公里長(zhǎng)的山洞。它的大小相當(dāng)于7000個(gè)奧林匹克規(guī)模的游泳池的總長(zhǎng),而且洞中一些地方的深度達(dá)100米。

And it's not just the size that matters. The area also hosts a wealth of historical treasures. Guillermo de Anda is director of the Gran Acuifero Maya project. He said the discovery would help them better understand the rich culture in the region.

這個(gè)洞穴的重要之處并不只是其長(zhǎng)度。這個(gè)地區(qū)還匯聚了豐富的歷史珍寶。吉利爾莫·德·安達(dá)(Guillermo de Anda)是大瑪雅地下水層項(xiàng)目的負(fù)責(zé)人。他說,該發(fā)現(xiàn)會(huì)幫助研究團(tuán)隊(duì)更深入地了解當(dāng)?shù)刎S富多彩的文化。

But while its size makes this the longest underwater cave, it can't take the title of longest cave. That belongs to the mammoth cave complex in the American hillsides of Kentucky – thought to be near double the length. They'll need to keep diving to beat that one.


1. 詞匯表

maze 迷宮般的地方
inhabited 居住著
civilisation 文明、文化
conquest 占領(lǐng)
record-breaking 破紀(jì)錄的
cavern 大洞穴,大山洞
hosts 聚集、匯聚
take the title 奪得(第一的)頭銜
mammoth 猛犸

2. 閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問題。(答案見下頁(yè))

1. Why did a group of divers have to explore these caves?

2. What is this cave longer than previously thought?

3. True or false? You could fit the length of 7,000 Olympic swimming pools inside this cave.

4. Before the discovery of this new cave, was there any real evidence that it existed?

3. 答案

1. Why did a group of divers have to explore these caves?
Divers had the explore the caves because they were underwater.

2. Why is this cave longer than previously thought?
Two large caverns are connected, creating a 350km long cave.

3. True or false? You could fit the length of 7,000 Olympic swimming pools inside this cave.
True. The new cave is the equivalent of 7,000 Olympic swimming pools in length and in places up to 100m deep.

4. Before the discovery of this new cave, was there any real evidence that it existed?
No. It was thought that something record-breaking would be found below the surface –  but there was no proof.


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