

2018-03-16 11:31




Healthy life expectancy in the UK depends on where you live: Report says 英國人的健康預(yù)期壽命取決于其居住地



A baby girl born in part of Middlesbrough in the North East of England can expect to have 35 fewer years of good health than a similar girl born in a rich part of Guildford in Surrey - just 48 years compared to 83. The inequality is startling – and it's a similar story for males: a baby boy born in a deprived district of Blackpool can expect just 47 years of healthy life, while in Knightsbridge in London it's 79.

These figures come just a week after official data showed that after decades of improvement, healthy life expectancy and overall life expectancy for baby girls in the poorest ten per cent of English and Welsh households is now falling.

The problem emerges as worst in places like Stockton-on-Tees and Stoke-on-Trent, where life expectancy's fallen more than nine months in the last three years. For men, the falls have been greatest in Southend-on-Sea, Walsall and the Isle of Wight. The reasons for the falls is unclear but rising obesity rates and cuts to public spending have both been blamed.




1. 詞匯表

inequality 不均等
startling 驚人的,令人震驚的
deprived 貧困的
decades 幾十年
emerges 出現(xiàn)
obesity 肥胖
blamed 被批評(píng),被指責(zé)

2. 閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問題 。

1. According to this report, a baby girl in which town will have more years of good health?

2. True or false? A baby boy born in Knightsbridge, London will have 47 years more healthy life than one who was born in Blackpool.

3. Which people are worst effected by falling healthy life expectancy figures?   

4. Name somewhere mentioned in the report where life expectancy has decreased the most.

3. 答案

1. According to this report, a baby girl in which town will have more years of good health?
A girl born in a rich part of Guildford in Surrey is expected to have 83 years of good health.

2. True or false? A baby boy born in Knightsbridge, London will have 47 years more healthy life than one who was born in Blackpool.
False. A baby boy born in a deprived district of Blackpool can expect just 47 years of healthy life, while in Knightsbridge in London it's 79.

3. Which people are worst effected by falling healthy life expectancy figures?
Healthy life expectancy and overall life expectancy for baby girls in the poorest ten per cent of English and Welsh households is now falling.

4. Name somewhere mentioned in the report where life expectancy has decreased the most.
Stockton-on-Tees and Stoke-on-Trent.


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