

2018-05-15 17:56




Royal wedding: Who's been invited? 哈里王子大婚:嘉賓名單上都有誰?

英國哈里王子和梅根 · 馬克爾的婚禮即將到來。英王室已向 600 位賓客發(fā)出邀請信,另有 200 人受邀參加婚禮晚宴。英國首相 特蕾莎 · 梅和工黨領袖科爾賓不在婚禮嘉賓名單上,這是因為事先已決定只有這對新人的熟識才會收到邀請。


The political list can be hundreds long – military and religious figures, foreign dignitaries, diplomats, members of the House of Lords, politicians. At a big venue like Westminster Abbey, which can take more than 2,000 guests, the list can be easily accommodated. But St George's chapel in Windsor takes 800 people at best and there's much less constitutional significance to this wedding than some – Prince Harry is currently fifth in line to the throne.


So the list has been done away with - a royal source says that only those that have a direct relationship with the couple will be invited. That might have included the Obamas – the former president struck up a friendship with Prince Harry at the Invictus Games for injured military veterans – but the Obamas are not coming.


At the same time as clarifying those who are not invited, Kensington Palace released details of some of those who will be invited into the grounds of Windsor Castle on the day. Amongst them, community volunteers, charity workers and military veterans.


1. 詞匯表

figures 人物,人士
dignitaries 顯要,要人
the House of Lords 英國國會上議院
constitutional 憲法的
in line to the throne 王位繼承人
done away with 被廢除、取消
a royal source 一位王室內部人士
military veterans 退伍軍人
community volunteers 社區(qū)志愿者
charity workers 慈善工作者

2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題。

1. Why might it not be so important to have a large venue like Westminster Abbey for this? particular wedding?

2. True or false? Only people related to Prince Harry or Megan Markle have been invited to the wedding.

3. Will the Obamas be attending the wedding?

4. In which place is the wedding being organised and where the invites are being sent from?

3. 答案

1. Why might it not be so important to have a large venue like Westminster Abbey for this? particular wedding?
There will be fewer guests as there's much less constitutional significance to this wedding than some – Prince Harry is only fifth in line to the throne.

2. True or false? Only people related to Prince Harry or Megan Markle have been invited to the wedding.
False. Only people with a direct relationship with Harry and Megan have been invited but they do not need to be related.

3. Will the Obamas be attending the wedding?
No they won't. Despite the former president striking up a friendship with Prince Harry at the Invictus Games for injured military veterans, the Obamas will not be coming.

4. In which place is the wedding being organised and where are the invites being sent from?
Kensington Palace.


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