
研究突破 “可能幫助防治” 有毒害動(dòng)物海蟾蜍

2018-10-11 16:29




Cane toad DNA breakthrough 'may help stop' toxic pest DNA 研究突破 “可能幫助防治” 有毒害動(dòng)物海蟾蜍

科學(xué)家們說,他們已經(jīng)破解了海蟾蜍的 DNA 藍(lán)圖,該物種對(duì)部分動(dòng)植物棲息地造成了破壞,而這一發(fā)現(xiàn)讓人們重新燃起了控制這一事態(tài)的希望。


The cane toad originally came from South America and was introduced to Australia in 1935 with the hope that they would eat the beetles which were devouring sugar cane. But they ended up eating everything except the beetles. And they've been spreading through Australia ever since, poisoning native wildlife as they go.


Snakes, lizards and even crocodiles can die if they ingest the amphibian's deadly toxin. Now the possibility of a genetics-led solution is at hand. An international team of scientists has succeeded in unlocking more than 90% of the toad's genome – its genetic material. To get this information, the teams used advanced computers to sequence 360 billion DNA pairs, meaning they've worked out the exact order of the four bases in a strand of DNA.

如果攝入了這種兩棲動(dòng)物的致命毒素,蛇、蜥蜴,甚至鱷魚都可能會(huì)被毒死。現(xiàn)在,由遺傳學(xué)主導(dǎo)的潛在解決方法就近在咫尺。一支由多國(guó)科學(xué)家組成的團(tuán)隊(duì)已成功破解了海蟾蜍超過 90% 的基因組信息,即其遺傳物質(zhì)。為了得到這一信息,這些團(tuán)隊(duì)用先進(jìn)的計(jì)算機(jī)測(cè)定了三千六百億對(duì) DNA 序列,這意味著他們已算出一串 DNA 中四種堿基的順序。

The researchers said the discovery would offer biological clues about the animal's evolution. The scientists have also discovered three new viruses within the toad's DNA, which could be used to control pests. But in a country which has a long history of introducing species with disastrous consequences, scientists will be cautious with the way they use this new information.

這組研究人員說,該發(fā)現(xiàn)將為解釋該動(dòng)物的進(jìn)化過程提供生物學(xué)線索??茖W(xué)家們還在這種蟾蜍的 DNA 中發(fā)現(xiàn)了三種新的病毒,它們可能被用來控制有害動(dòng)植物。但在澳大利亞,由于長(zhǎng)期以來引進(jìn)新物種導(dǎo)致了諸多災(zāi)難性的后果,科學(xué)家會(huì)謹(jǐn)慎考慮應(yīng)如何利用這些新信息。

1. 詞匯表

devouring 吞食
poisoning 毒害
native 當(dāng)?shù)氐?,原生?br /> ingest 攝入、攝取
toxin 毒素
genetics-led solution 遺傳學(xué)主導(dǎo)的解決辦法
genome 基因組
sequence 測(cè)定 DNA 的排列順序(生物學(xué)術(shù)語)
biological clues 生物學(xué)線索
pests 有害的動(dòng)植物
disastrous 災(zāi)難性的
cautious 謹(jǐn)慎的

2. 閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問題。 

1. How were cane toads supposed to stop Australia's sugar cane being destroyed?

2. What have scientists discovered in the toad that has given them 'biological clues' about their evolution?

3. What has been discovered in the toad's DNA that could control pests?

4. True or false? Introducing other animals in Australia has not always gone well.

3. 答案

1. How were cane toads supposed to stop Australia's sugar cane being destroyed?
They were supposed to eat the beetles which were devouring sugar cane but they ended up eating everything except the beetles.

2. What have scientists discovered in the toad that has given them 'biological clues' about their evolution?
Scientists have succeeded in unlocking more than 90% of the toad's genome – that's its genetic material.

3. What has been discovered in the toad's DNA that could control pests?
The scientists have discovered three new viruses within the toad's DNA, which could be used to control pests.

4. True or false? Introducing other animals in Australia has not always gone well.
True. The reporter said the country had a long history of introducing species with disastrous consequences.


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