

2018-11-29 13:49




Llama blood clue to beating all flu 大羊駝血液中藏有戰(zhàn)勝所有流感病毒的線索

一組美國科學家在試圖研發(fā)一種新型抗流感療法的過程中請來了一位意想不到的 “同伴”— 大羊駝。研究人員用羊駝的血液制造出了一種新的抗體療法,這種療法有可能消滅所有類型的流感病毒,包括突然暴發(fā)的流行病毒。


The influenza virus is the ultimate shape-shifter. It's constantly mutating its appearance to evade our immune system. That's why a new flu jab is needed each winter and why the vaccine sometimes misses its mark.


Science is on the hunt for a way to kill all types of flu, no matter the strain or how much it mutates. That's where the llama, better known for its wool, comes in. The animals produce incredibly tiny antibodies. These weapons of the immune system are able to wriggle their way deep inside the flu virus to find the parts it cannot mutate.


The team at the Scripps Institute in California picked four of the most potent llama antibodies to design their own synthetic antibody. It was tested on mice, which were given deadly doses of influenza.


The hope is this antibody can be given to people at the start of every winter or during a flu pandemic. This is early-stage research and the team want to do more tests before starting human trials and there are questions about mass production and cost. But maybe llama blood holds the secret to saving hundreds of thousands of lives from flu each year.


1. 詞匯

influenza 流行性感冒
shape-shifter 變化多端的事物
mutating 變異
evade 逃避、躲開
flu jab 流感預防針
vaccine 疫苗
misses its mark 沒能奏效
on the hunt 正在尋找線索
strain 品種,種類
llama 大羊駝
antibodies 抗體
wriggle their way inside 試圖鉆進…中
potent 有效的,強有力的
deadly 致命的
doses 劑量
pandemic 流行病
human trials 人體試驗
mass production 大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)、批量生產(chǎn)
holds the secret to 可以解開…之謎

2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。

1. Why is a new flu jab needed each winter?

2. What is it about llamas’ blood that gives scientists clues to beat flu?

3. True or false? The team at the Scripps Institute in California tested their antibody on humans.

4. Which word in the text means ‘made from artificial material’?

3. 答案

1. Why is a new flu jab needed each winter?
A new flu jab is needed each winter because the influenza virus is the ultimate shape-shifter. It's constantly mutating its appearance to evade our immune system.

2. What is it about llamas’ blood that gives scientists clues to beat flu?
Llamas produce incredibly tiny antibodies. These weapons of the immune system are able to wriggle their way deep inside the flu virus to find the parts it cannot mutate.

3. True or false? The team at the Scripps Institute in California tested their antibody on humans.
False. According to the text, it was only tested on mice. This is early-stage research and the team want to do more tests before starting human trials.

4. Which word in the text means ‘made from artificial material’?


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