在過去的二十年間,北極地區(qū)的北美馴鹿(或野生馴鹿)的總數(shù)已驟減多半。一份關(guān)于北極地區(qū)氣候變化影響的新報告顯示,這類馴鹿的總數(shù)從近五百萬只下降到約二百一十萬只。這項報告在美國地球物理聯(lián)盟(American Geophysical Union)會議上發(fā)表。
A warmer Arctic and greener tundra might sound like good news for grazing animals. But the changes in the far north are actually making life much more challenging for wild reindeer.
The animals rely on low-growing lichens, which are being swamped by taller plants. And more rain, rather than snow, when it falls onto freezing ground, forms a hard layer of ice that the animals simply can't push their noses through to feed.
It's also said that a good summer day for a human in the Arctic, still and warm, is a horrible day for the reindeer because they're mobbed by the increasing number of insects. During warmer summers, the animals have to use so much energy to keep the flies away that they can't sustain themselves. The same report revealed that sea ice continues to shrink, and that changes are fuelling extreme weather patterns further south.
1. 詞匯
tundra 苔原、凍原
grazing 草食的
reindeer 馴鹿(單復數(shù)形式相同)
low-growing 矮生的、低矮的
lichens 地衣
swamped 被沒過,被覆蓋
still 寧靜的
mobbed 被包圍、被圍攻
sustain 維持(生命)
fuelling 加劇、加強
2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題 。
1. What do wild reindeer in the Arctic feed on?
2. Why is a good summer day for a human in the Arctic horrible for the reindeer?
3. True or false? A warmer Arctic and greener tundra are making life much more difficult for wild reindeer.
4. Which word in the text means ‘very severe in degree’?
3. 答案
1. What do wild reindeer in the Arctic feed on?
They feed on low-growing lichens.
2. Why is a good summer day for a human in the Arctic horrible for the reindeer?
Because they're mobbed by the increasing number of insects due to the weather. During warmer summers, the animals have to use so much energy to keep the flies away that they can't sustain themselves.
3. True or false? A warmer Arctic and greener tundra are making life much more difficult for wild reindeer.
True. The changes in the far north are making life much more challenging for wild reindeer.
4. Which word in the text means ‘very severe in degree’?