

2019-01-09 16:15




Warming made UK heatwave 30 times more likely 氣候變暖使英國出現(xiàn)熱浪的幾率增加三十倍

氣候變化明顯增加了英國夏天迎來熱浪的可能性。2018年炎熱的夏日創(chuàng)下了高溫記錄,由英國氣象局(Met Office)展開的一項(xiàng)研究顯示,與往年相比,這次熱浪席卷英國的幾率因人類活動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的排放物而增加了三十倍。


The blazing summer of 2018 was the joint warmest for the UK since records began in 1910. Met Office researchers have now analysed the record-breaking temperatures, using climate models that can simulate the world with or without the impact of fossil fuel emissions.


According to the scientists, in the absence of global warming, the odds of a UK heatwave like this summer's were less than half a percent in any given year. But a changing climate means this has now risen to 12%, or about once every eight years.

據(jù)科學(xué)家們的說法,在沒有全球氣候變暖的情況下,英國迎來像今夏這樣的熱浪的幾率在任何一年里都不到 0.5%。但不斷變化的氣候意味著這一比例上升到了 12%,或大約每八年一次。

By looking at records of temperatures in England that date back three hundred years, the Met Office was able to say that summers as warm as 2018 were very rare before the Industrial Revolution.


And while some people might welcome the idea of having more hot summers in the UK, Met Office researchers said it was not good news, especially for vulnerable elderly people, for farmers, and for those who work outdoors.


1. 詞匯

blazing 炙熱的,酷熱的
joint 并列的
record-breaking 破記錄的
fossil fuel 化石燃料
simulate (用計(jì)算機(jī))模擬
heatwave 熱浪
date back 追溯到
Industrial Revolution 工業(yè)革命
vulnerable (身體)脆弱的
outdoors 在室外

2. 閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問題 。

1. True or false? Summers as warm as 2018 were quite common before the Industrial Revolution.

2. What have Met Office researchers used to analyse the record-breaking temperatures?

3. According to Met Office researchers, who suffer the most from more hot summers in the UK?

4. Which phrase in the text means ‘without’?

3. 答案

1. True or false? Summers as warm as 2018 were quite common before the Industrial Revolution.
False. Met Office was able to say that summers as warm as 2018 were very rare before the Industrial Revolution.

2. What have Met Office researchers used to analyse the record-breaking temperatures?
They have used climate models that can simulate the world with or without the impact of fossil fuel emissions.

3. According to Met Office researchers, who suffer the most from more hot summers in the UK?
Vulnerable elderly people, for farmers, and for those who work outdoors suffer the most from more hot summers in the UK.

4. Which phrase in the text means ‘without’?
In the absence of.


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