
英國 “需要更多來自海外的獸醫(yī)和建筑師”

2019-06-13 14:10




UK 'needs more overseas vets and architects' 英國 “需要更多來自海外的獸醫(yī)和建筑師”



The government has strict rules for the recruitment of skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area, but those restrictions are relaxed for jobs which are placed on the shortage occupation list because they're difficult to fill.


The Migration Advisory Committee says the list should be widened to cover nine percent of jobs in the labour market, compared to one per cent now. Among the reasons it gives are lower unemployment, a rising number of vacancies and a reduction in the supply of workers from within the EU.


1. 詞匯表

strict 嚴格的
recruitment 招聘
relaxed 放寬了,放松了
shortage 短缺
be widened 被擴大
labour market 勞動力市場
unemployment 失業(yè)率
vacancies 職位空缺

2. 閱讀理解:請在讀完上文后,回答下列問題。

1. Which parts of the world does the British government’s strict rules on recruitment of skilled workers apply to?

2. How strict are the British government’s rules on recruitment of skilled workers for jobs that are difficult to fill?

3. What percentage of UK jobs are currently allowed to be filled by people from outside the European Economic Area?

4. True or false? A lower number of vacancies is one reason why the Migration Advisory Committee wants to see an increase in the number of people from outside the European Economic Area to be allowed to work in the UK.

3. 答案

1. Which parts of the world does the British government’s strict rules on recruitment of skilled workers apply to?
The Government has strict rules for the recruitment of skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area.

2. How strict are the British government’s rules on recruitment of skilled workers for jobs that are difficult to fill?
Not as strict. The rules are relaxed for jobs which are placed on the shortage occupation list because they're difficult to fill.

3. What percentage of UK jobs are currently allowed to be filled by people from outside the European Economic Area?
The Migration Advisory Committee says the list (of skilled jobs) should be widened to cover nine percent of jobs in the labour market, compared to one per cent now.

4. True or false? A lower number of vacancies is one reason why the Migration Advisory Committee wants to see an increase in the number of people from outside the European Economic Area to be allowed to work in the UK.
False. A rising number of vacancies is one reason why the Migration Advisory Committee wants to see an increase in the number of people from outside the European Economic Area to be allowed to work in the UK.


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