

2019-07-12 15:09




The cost of Harry and Meghan's home renovations 哈里和梅根的房屋翻修花費(fèi)

據(jù)英王室賬目顯示,蘇塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人用了 240 萬(wàn)英鎊納稅人資金改造翻修了他們位于溫莎城堡的新居。經(jīng)過(guò)翻修,弗洛格摩別墅(Frogmore Cottage)從五個(gè)獨(dú)立的住宅變成了一個(gè)大別墅。


The Royal Family received more than £80m last financial year from the Treasury, in what's called the Sovereign Grant. That's to cover the cost of official duties and for the upkeep of royal palaces.

英國(guó)王室在過(guò)去的一個(gè)財(cái)年里,收到了來(lái)自財(cái)政部 8000 多萬(wàn)英鎊的撥款。這筆款項(xiàng)被稱(chēng)為 “君王撥款”(Sovereign Grant),用于支付公務(wù)和皇家宮殿的維護(hù)費(fèi)用。

Some months after their wedding, Harry and Meghan announced that they would move out of Kensington Palace in London and set up in Frogmore Cottage, a large house in the grounds of Windsor Castle. But the house needed a lot of work – £2.4m worth, according to the accounts published today. That money came from the Sovereign Grant.

哈里和梅根在婚禮幾個(gè)月后,宣布他們將搬出倫敦的肯辛頓宮,并在弗洛格摩別墅安家落戶(hù)。弗洛格摩別墅是位于溫莎城堡內(nèi)的一幢大房子。不過(guò)其房屋需要大量的翻修工作,根據(jù)今天公布的賬目,翻修花費(fèi)了 240 萬(wàn)英鎊。這筆錢(qián)來(lái)自君王撥款。

The Palace says the house was in very poor shape and divided into five separate residences. Taxpayer spending on the Royals is always a sensitive topic. Palace sources insist that extensive refurbishment was required. And that only basic fixtures and fittings were supplied with taxpayers' money.


1. 詞匯

the Treasury 財(cái)政部
Sovereign Grant 君王撥款
official duties 公務(wù)
upkeep 維修費(fèi)
set up 安家落戶(hù)
accounts 賬目
poor shape 情況很差
residences 住宅
refurbishment (房屋)翻修
fixtures and fittings 固定裝置和配件

2. 閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問(wèn)題 。

1. What is the Sovereign Grant used for?

2. Where is Frogmore Cottage located?

3. How has the cost of refurbishing Frogmore Cottage been made known to the public?

4. True or false? Taxpayers’ money was used to pay for the extensive refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage.

3. 答案

1. What is the Sovereign Grant used for?
The Sovereign Grant is taxpayers’ money used to cover the cost of official duties and for the upkeep of royal palaces.

2. Where is Frogmore Cottage located?
Frogmore Cottage is a large house located in the grounds of Windsor Castle.

3. How has the cost of refurbishing Frogmore Cottage been made known to the public?
The cost of the refurbishment was shown in the published accounts.

4. True or false? Taxpayers’ money was used to pay for the extensive refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage.
False. Palace sources insist that only basic fixtures and fittings were supplied with taxpayers' money.


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