

2019-12-11 17:06




Spiders inspire double-sided sticky tape to heal wounds 以蜘蛛網(wǎng)為靈感的雙面膠帶可粘合傷口

研究人員設(shè)計(jì)出了一種可以在術(shù)后快速將身體組織粘合起來(lái)的雙面膠帶。這個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)靈感源于蜘蛛在雨中捕獵時(shí)分泌的 “膠水”。


Getting tissues in the body to form a tight seal is difficult because water on their surface makes them slippery. Sutures or stitches that hold a wound or cut together don't always work well and can lead to infections.


Tissue glues which already exist can take several minutes to work and may drip onto other body parts. The scientists from MIT noticed how spiders catch their prey in the rain by secreting a sticky material containing a carbohydrate known as polysaccharides that absorb water from the surface of an insect almost instantaneously, leaving a small, dry patch the glue can then stick to.


The researchers developed a double-sided tape treated with a type of acid to do the same. They then tried it out on different types of rat and pig tissue, including the lung, small intestine, stomach, liver and skin. They found it worked within about five seconds. The team said that with more research it could be used in place of sutures and even to attach medical devices to organs such as the heart. But they warned there are still several years away from human trials.



sutures 縫合針
stitches 縫合線
infections 感染
prey 獵物
secreting 分泌
carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖類
polysaccharides 多糖
instantaneously 即刻地,瞬間地
treated 用……處理過(guò)
lung 肺
small intestine 小腸
stomach 胃
liver 肝臟
human trials 人體實(shí)驗(yàn)

閱讀理解:請(qǐng)?jiān)谧x完上文后,回答下列問(wèn)題 。

1. What can happen if stitches don’t hold a wound together?

2. How does the polysaccharide that the spider secretes work so that it can stick to its prey?

3. True or false? Researchers have created something that will work in the same way on humans as the spider’s polysaccharide does on its prey.

4. What is one of the possible outcomes of this research?


1. What can happen if stitches don’t hold a wound together?
Sutures or stitches that hold a wound or cut together don't always work well and can lead to infections.

2. How does the polysaccharide that the spider secretes work so that it can stick to its prey?
The polysaccharides absorb water from the surface of an insect almost instantaneously, leaving a small, dry patch the glue can then stick to.

3. True or false? Researchers have created something that will work in the same way on humans as the spider’s polysaccharide does on its prey.
False. Researchers have developed a double sided tape treated with a type of acid to do the same thing but they say they are still several years away from human trials.

4. What is one of the possible outcomes of this research?
The team said that with more research it could be used in place of sutures and even to attach medical devices to organs such as the heart.


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  • 口語(yǔ)
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂(lè)
  • 詞匯
  • 寫(xiě)作


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