We’ve all seen pictures of an avalanche falling down a mountain. Now, imagine this mighty force tumbling down a slope for two whole days. This gives you a sense of the volume of sand and mud that collapsed down the Congo Canyon – a sinuous channel that leads away from the West African coastline.
An international team of scientists were in the fortunate position to catch the action because they’d lined the channel with instruments. Each sensor popped to the surface to email home, as the so-called turbidity current roared past. The observations provide critical new insights on how these huge sediment flows are triggered. And this gives telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables.
Cables can be repaired in weeks by pulling them up and patching – much like you might fix a power cable sliced through by a lawnmower. But delays are costly – money transfers going over these underwater connections have a daily value of trillions of dollars.
avalanche (積雪、沙石等的)崩塌
tumbling 滾落,坍塌
sinuous channel 蜿蜒曲折的通道
instruments 儀器
sensor 傳感器
turbidity current 濁流
insights 深刻見解
sediment flows 沉積物流
submarine 水下的,海底的
costly 昂貴的,高代價的
money transfers 資金轉移
1. How long has this underwater avalanche been happening for?
2. How did the sensors tell scientists what had happened?
3. Why might the scientists’ observations help telecoms companies?
4. What flows through these underwater cables that have a daily value of trillions of dollars?
1. How long has this underwater avalanche been happening for?
The sand and mud avalanche has been tumbling down a slope for two whole days.
2. How did the sensors tell scientists what had happened?
As the avalanche moved past, sensors popped to the surface to email a message home to the scientists.
3. Why might the scientists’ observations help telecoms companies?
The observations give telecoms companies fresh ideas on how to protect submarine cables.
4. What flows through these underwater cables that have a daily value of trillions of dollars?
Money transfers going over these underwater connections have a daily value of trillions of dollars.