The sibilant sound of the rattlesnake's tail has long been a cinematic cliche.
That tell-tale rattle is made by the rapid shaking together of hard rings of keratin at the tip of the creature's tail. Keratin is the same protein that makes up our fingernails and hair.
In this study, the scientists found a distinctive switch to a higher frequency as objects move closer to a western diamondback snake.
When human test subjects were exposed to this change in sound, they believed they were almost on top the snake, when in reality they were safely distant.
The scientists believe rattlesnakes evolved this trait because it helped them to avoid being stepped on by humans.
Despite this clever sound trick, hikers and walkers in the United States often find themselves in unwanted contact with these reptiles.
Rattlesnakes are responsible for the majority of the 8,000 people bitten in the US every year.
sibilant 嘶嘶作響的,此文指響尾蛇尾部搖動時發(fā)出的聲音
cliche 老套的內(nèi)容
rattle 咔咔聲,短促尖厲的撞擊聲
keratin 角蛋白
frequency 頻率
exposed 暴露(在特定環(huán)境中)的
distant 遠處的
evolved 進化出了
reptiles 爬行動物
1. How do rattlesnakes make their sound?
2. In what way do rattlesnakes change the sound they make as objects get nearer?
3. What types of people in the US often encounter rattlesnakes?
4. How many people are bitten by snakes in the US each year?
1. How do rattlesnakes make their sound?
Rattlesnakes make their sound through the rapid shaking together of hard rings of keratin at the tip of the creature's tail.
2. In what way do rattlesnakes change the sound they make as objects get nearer?
Scientists found a distinctive switch to a higher frequency as objects move closer to a western diamondback snake.
3. What types of people in the US often encounter rattlesnakes?
Hikers and walkers in the US often find themselves in unwanted contact with these reptiles.
4. How many people are bitten by snakes in the US each year?
Around 8,000 people are bitten in the US every year.