- Turtle navigation discovery新發(fā)現(xiàn):綠海龜辨別方向的方法
- First ever black hole image released科學家公布首張黑洞照片
- Things are looking up今日短語:情況開始好轉
- Give someone the runaround讓某人跑來跑去
- 地道英語:“Dead” 在英式口語中的用法
- Firm up敲定、落實
- Prove difficult做事困難
- Are we becoming more allergic to food?食物過敏越來越常見的原因
- Plans for new register for home-educated children英政府提議對在家接受教育的兒童進行注冊
- Stop off中途停留或拜訪一處
- Laughing all the way to the bank一路笑到銀行
- Is the UK abandoning its cities?英國人 “逃離” 大城市的原因
- Rise in 'extreme' waves“極端” 海浪變得愈發(fā)猛烈
- Go out vs hang out出去走走 vs 一起玩耍
- Get in and get out上下車
- Are we addicted to video games?從玩游戲上癮得出的一點思考
- Rain melting Greenland ice sheet 'even in winter'冬日雨水融化格陵蘭冰蓋
- Get held up受阻無法前進
- Pencil in暫定
- The joke's on you玩笑開到自己頭上
- Is this the death of cash?現(xiàn)金消亡的時代是否會到來
- Uber's lost property survey優(yōu)步發(fā)布失物招領調查報告
- Pencil in臨時安排
- Keep a lid on it給事情 “蓋上蓋子”
- Check out去看看
- Spring into action立刻行動起來
- What is millennial burnout?焦慮疲憊的千禧一代
- Radical Parkinson's treatment tested in patients帕金森病: 顛覆性療法在患者身上測試
- To pull the wool over someone's eyes給人眼前蒙一層羊毛 = 騙人
- Language learning學習外語的重要性
- Beavers to become protected species in Scotland貍將成為蘇格蘭保護動物
- Besotted with someone迷得神魂顛倒
- Fall for someone迷戀上一個人
- Take the rough with the smooth既能享樂也能吃苦
- Be loved up恩恩愛愛
- End it with someone結束一段感情
- Settle down安頓下來
- Thousand fewer UK students at Oxbridge牛津劍橋招錄的英國學生人數(shù)大副減少
- Breakdancing proposed for inclusion in Paris 2024 Olympics霹靂舞被提議成為 2024 巴黎奧運會正式項目
- 'Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code'像熟記銀行密碼一樣記住自己的膽固醇值
- Hard-nosed頑強務實
- Acceptance speeches做好獲獎感言的技巧
- Grow apart漸漸疏遠
- Global insects undergoing ‘dramatic rates of decline’全球昆蟲總數(shù) “急劇下降”
- To have a soft spot情有獨鐘
- Megatrends in education未來各國教育面臨的重大挑戰(zhàn)
- Give the silent treatment采取不理睬的態(tài)度
- Get over someone忘記一個人
- Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers氣候變暖給喜馬拉雅冰川帶來威脅
- To be seeing someone和某人約會交往