- Turn into a pumpkin該回家睡覺了
- The problem with big brains聰明大腦所帶來的問題
- Tasmanian devil milk fights superbugs袋獾乳汁可對抗“超級細菌”
- Cat got your tongue?不吭聲,無言以對
- Jump on the bandwagon跟風(fēng),隨大流
- Why do we laugh?為什么我們會笑?
- It takes two to tango一個巴掌拍不響
- Leave no stone unturned每日一句:竭盡全力
- Butterfly numbers drop a mystery, say experts英國蝴蝶數(shù)量下降現(xiàn)象令專家費解
- 雪上加霜To add insult to injury
- 為害羞的人辯護In defence of shyness
- 本能反映Knee-jerk reaction
- Make a long story short長話短說
- Born and bred土生土長
- All things to all people八面玲瓏
- Have your feet on the groundBBC:腳踏實地
- Ten a penny多得遍地都是
- In one ear and out the other左耳進,右耳出
- At sixes and sevens亂七八糟
- Dressed to the nines衣冠楚楚
- Talk nineteen to the dozen說話很快,喋喋不休
- Need glasses? Try kale instead視力不好吃羽衣甘藍試試
- A matter of waste廢物回收一兩事
- Is breast cancer linked to night shifts?乳腺癌與上夜班有關(guān)系嗎?
- Europa moon 'spewing water jets'木衛(wèi)二表面“噴射出水汽”
- Gaia space telescope plots a billion stars蓋亞太空望遠鏡拍出十億顆星星
- British dormice risk extinction英國睡鼠面臨絕種危機
- Axe to grind別有用心
- Get someone's goatBBC英語學(xué)習(xí):火冒三丈
- Bust a gut拼了命地工作
- Knock your socks off嘆為觀止
- Work your socks off拼命干活
- Topping the charts高居榜首
- Proxima Centauri has Earth-sized planet比鄰星附近發(fā)現(xiàn)類似地球的行星
- Old-school老一套,老派
- Armed to the teeth全副武裝
- Under someone's thumb受人控制
- Have egg on your face狼狽不堪
- How safe is your bed?你的床安全嗎?
- Microbeads controversy塑膠微粒引起的爭議
- Hangry饑餓成怒
- Turn a blind eye視而不見
- Sweat it out – in a bath!泡熱水澡等于做運動
- 400-year-old Greenland Shark400歲的格陵蘭鯊魚
- Pull something out of the hat突施妙計
- Burn a hole in your pocket一有錢就想花
- In the blink of an eye一眨眼之間
- Cancer patients surviving longer in the UK英國癌癥患者存活時間延長
- Young and in business年輕人創(chuàng)業(yè)從商
- Strapped for cash手頭緊