- Cycling cuts cancer risk騎自行車減低癌癥病發(fā)風(fēng)險
- Have eyes bigger than one's stomach眼大肚子小
- Travel light輕裝旅行
- Be up with the lark早早起床
- Jack-of-all-trades多面手
- Seed money啟動資金,本金
- You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs有失才有得
- Experts excited by new brain disease drug治腦疾病的新藥令專家興奮不已
- The coast is clear已無危險
- As mad as a March hare瘋瘋癲癲
- Roll with the punches克服重重困難
- The rise of the emoji表情符號的興起
- The company with no boss群龍無首的公司
- Two-thirds of Great Barrier Reef damaged in 'unprecedented' bleaching三分之二的大堡礁珊瑚群遭受“史無前例”的白化危機
- Pull a fast one欺騙,行騙
- Go out like a light一沾枕頭就睡著
- Live on in the memory在記憶中留存
- A pack of lies謊話連篇
- One-trick pony一招鮮
- Bugs for lunch?昆蟲大餐
- Lunchtime dilemma午飯時間的“選擇困難癥”
- 'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition“新”型波浪狀云首次被列入官方圖集
- Suck it and see試試看
- To cut your teeth初次嘗試做某事
- Sea otters ahead of dolphins in using tools海獺學(xué)會使用工具的時間早于海豚
- Shrinkflation縮水式通脹
- Get itchy feet渴望旅行,想經(jīng)歷不同的事
- Green fingers園藝技術(shù)高超
- Ride roughshod over一意孤行
- The grass is always greener on the other side鄰家芳草綠,隔岸風(fēng)景好
- Prize for cracking brain's 'feel good' system三位科學(xué)家因破解大腦“獎賞系統(tǒng)”獲獎
- La-la Land想法不切實際
- A spring in one’s step腳步充滿活力
- Walking encyclopedia活百科全書
- To throw one’s weight behind someone or something鼎力支持
- Your robot teacher of the future未來的機器人老師
- The changing nature of money不斷更新演變的貨幣
- A different kettle of fish截然不同的事
- At the drop of a hat毫不猶豫地
- Sweep the board囊括全數(shù)獎項
- A shoulder to cry on可傾訴的對象
- Brass neck短語:厚臉皮
- Dangers from outer space來自外星的危險
- Orangutan squeaks reveal language evolution, says study科學(xué)家稱紅毛猩猩叫聲揭示人類早期語言進化過程
- Reinvent the wheel浪費時間做無用功
- Put their heads together集思廣益,出謀劃策
- Written in the stars命中注定
- Come to light真相大白英語怎么說
- Litmus test決定性的檢驗,試金石
- Word of mouth口口相傳